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Detailing Chat & Questions Thread

  Golf GT & A4 Avant
@gally I finally used that wax you recommended over a layer of triple on the tank of my new bike, properly impressed. The pair together left the tank looking amazing.

New bike? Have you got rid of the monster?

My street triple is currently stripped as I clean everything up and coat it with either carpro DLUX or gtechniq EXO. Some parts both


ClioSport Moderator
New bike? Have you got rid of the monster?

My street triple is currently stripped as I clean everything up and coat it with either carpro DLUX or gtechniq EXO. Some parts both
The monster looks like it's selling on Sunday mate, got a chap who's coming to see it. Price agreed etc.

I've already picked up my new one... really chuffed with it. Off touring next Tuesday.

  Golf GT & A4 Avant
Is that the 1200? What's it go like compared to your 798 monster?

A friend is trying to book the S1000 R for a test ride. He's in the MET so gets a nice discount on a new BMW bike


ClioSport Moderator
Is that the 1200? What's it go like compared to your 798 monster?

A friend is trying to book the S1000 R for a test ride. He's in the MET so gets a nice discount on a new BMW bike
It certainly is mate! The monster was the 696, both totally different animals to ride, but overall I far prefer the BMW. I already feel more confident on it than the Ducati and with some practice you can tell you can really get a move on if you want to!

I test rode the s1000r as one of the options for a new bike for me, but this won by miles. I genuinely found the s1kr too fast, and basically felt it'd kill me. The R Nine T I have now had me smiling like crazy even during the three hour test ride.


ClioSport Club Member
Guys, what waxes are nicely presented for a gift, roughly around the £30 mark.

The Mrs wants to get one as a Father's Day present.


ClioSport Club Member
Been out of it for about a year so rusty.

Which general use wheel cleaner is sitting at the top at the moment?

Used all my AF Imperial and getting to the end of the purple hot wheels stash.


Hexlogic still a good pad for DA?


ClioSport Admin
Been out of it for about a year so rusty.

Which general use wheel cleaner is sitting at the top at the moment?

Used all my AF Imperial and getting to the end of the purple hot wheels stash.


Hexlogic still a good pad for DA?

I'm using Megs wheel brightener at the moment and it's brilliant.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Game the car some chemical guys glaze and wait for it..... Turtle wax hard shell paste. One of the lads in work had it so thought I'd try it. The tw stuff is soooo easy to use. Beads well and looks great. No idea on durability but I clean the car every week




Awaits the hate regarding turtle wax
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
Beading looks pretty decent. I've seen the turtle wax ice spray wax is pretty good at beading and sheeting as a top up product

The problem with those type of brands they're either easy enough to use but only last a month, or are very hardy but that is then reflected in how much of a pain they are to apply and remove.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Got this 50/50 today, 2 years on a really s**t industrial estate really f***s with your paint!

First few passes with an aggressive pad and wolfs 5pn compound finished with carpro essense, could do with even more refining tbh but in happy as I didn't think I'd be able to rescue it!

Got this 50/50 today, 2 years on a really s**t industrial estate really f***s with your paint!

First few passes with an aggressive pad and wolfs 5pn compound finished with carpro essense, could do with even more refining tbh but in happy as I didn't think I'd be able to rescue it!


So worried about that wiper arm as you were doing this haha.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
3M Glass Cleaner... Go and get some!

The best glass cleaner I've used, 100% no streaks.
Thanks bud.

I've been using the Megs stuff for years but as I'm just about to order some more I think I will give this a go. [emoji106]
  Not a 320d
How imperative is it to allow gtechniq G1 and C5 to set for 24 hours? Just done my wheels and glass and it's rained a little. The wheels didn't get wet. The glass I wiped dry once it stopped and it was beading well. I need to apply another two coats anyway but hoping I've not fucked the base coat...

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
How imperative is it to allow gtechniq G1 and C5 to set for 24 hours? Just done my wheels and glass and it's rained a little. The wheels didn't get wet. The glass I wiped dry once it stopped and it was beading well. I need to apply another two coats anyway but hoping I've not fucked the base coat...

About 2 hours iirc

You should be alright though.
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
How imperative is it to allow gtechniq G1 and C5 to set for 24 hours? Just done my wheels and glass and it's rained a little. The wheels didn't get wet. The glass I wiped dry once it stopped and it was beading well. I need to apply another two coats anyway but hoping I've not fucked the base coat...

Never had it rain between layers of g1 but had it happen shortly after finishing and it was ok. Not sure about the C5


ClioSport Club Member

Just because my car has not shown any water behaviour in a year, pleasantly surprised considering its BSD from a few weeks ago and just a wash and wipe over with Finale a few days ago.
