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Do you ever get comments on your car?


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Usually its more about the condition its in for an 11 year old car more than what it is i think.

Get the odd comment on the Cup. But my work f**king hate it.


Scotland - NW
ClioSport Area Rep
Forgot I got a fair few comments about it at a couple of shows I took it to. Received alot of attention due to being a clio with a big fancy looking engine!

  M2 Comp
I've had a few since having the Trophy, normally I get asked if it's a Clio V6 😂

Somebody came over this morning whilst I was filling up with petrol and asked if my Clio really had a 2 litre engine (having seen the bullets on the side), he thought it was hilarious, lol.


ClioSport Club Member
Only a couple of times in 5 years.

The golf on the other hand, I got stopped in Screwfix carpark for a compliment in the first week!
  clio 197 sport
I work in car sales and the amount of people that come in and ask is my 197 for sale is crazy. Could have sold it 10 times over. It dont attract as much attention as my previous car tho




ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
I loved my CRX back in the days... used to have people taking photos of it (sometimes asking first, sometimes not) and even got kind of interviewed about it once for a magazine! Oh the days of bodykits and big wheels.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
With the Frp it would be daily, usually customers coming in to work. Petrol stations. Had a guy and his Dad wait by the car once when I was in McDonalds to ask about it.

I miss having one, a lot!


ClioSport Club Member
  Defender 110
Got them a lot when I had the Focus RS. Not so much in clios, and with this Touareg I get them a lot. Mostly how the f**k are you driving that?
  Mazda3 2.2D 185BHP
One from a copper this morning..

Why is your car so loud? Sounds like you would be far exceeding the speed limit by now if i didn't stop you.

Sorry Mr Police man. My exhaust is fucked and blowing from both joints oh and for some reason the induction noise is stupidly loud even with a stock airbox.
One from a copper this morning..

Why is your car so loud? Sounds like you would be far exceeding the speed limit by now if i didn't stop you.

Sorry Mr Police man. My exhaust is fucked and blowing from both joints oh and for some reason the induction noise is stupidly loud even with a stock airbox.

So because your car is loud, that means you'll "far exceed the speed limit" What a strange this for him to say.
  Mazda3 2.2D 185BHP
I think he was presuming i had my foot down, and if i was then I would be going much faster in a few more moments.

But i was accelerating from 5-30 after overtaking a parked car, put your foot to the floor in 1st in a 172/182 and ofc its going to be loud, just mine was moreso due to buggared exhaust


  RS2'ed 172 Cup
Only comment I've really had was from an older chap (60's) at the petrol station 'That must be fun'


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
I get a lot of comments about mine, people I work with or friends it's usually an insult of some kind.

Chavs and people of lower intelligence it's usually nothing but compliments.

Very strange.


ClioSport Club Member
  05' BG 182FF
I used to get quite a lot of attention with my summer wheels on (due to them sticking out like a sore thumb being red)

But I do still get the odd bit of attention as I keep it so ocd clean! Parcel force delivery man was drooling all over it the other day
  BG 182, BMW 320d
My Fiesta ST got so many comments all the time. Have to say miss it everyday and it was beautiful IMO.

The clio gets:
"if you remap that you will easily get 30 - 40 bhp more" - classic, and although they have never owned one I'm assured that this is possible because they did it to there car and got this increase in power .............
"Why do you have 2 exhausts"
"Can hear you coming from miles away"

Surprisingly get a lot of comments saying how good cliosports are though which is nice.
