Spotted it at a local garage so I thought I'd have a look as I'm after a new car and a coming back in to the clio fold is a possibility.
Anyway the car. Body work is rough as hell the interiors shabby, the drivers door seems to have been bent back as there is quite a gap at the top of the door, also it looks like its been in a front end smash as it has a standard headlight on the passenger side and the xenon on the other.
It's also got a cliosport sticker on one of the windows.... Anyone off here?
Anyway the car. Body work is rough as hell the interiors shabby, the drivers door seems to have been bent back as there is quite a gap at the top of the door, also it looks like its been in a front end smash as it has a standard headlight on the passenger side and the xenon on the other.
It's also got a cliosport sticker on one of the windows.... Anyone off here?