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Eclipse pictures

  1.8 8v RSi
Well i decided to goto the highest hill closest to me at 1:30am to try n get some pics of this eclipse. and was going great for half of it.....then the f**kin clouds came and covered up the main event.
bah....anyway here's the 3 most decent pics of it.




Feel Free to add your own if you were bothered;)
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  Clio 1.2 16v
I had the intention of getting up to watch this.. but my alarm went off about 1am and i forgot why i set it, turned it off and went back to sleep :D:D
  black/gold 182
never even knew there was one until this morning :eek: but if you go out at 1.30am in brum you would need a stab vest :( but good pics matey well done :approve:
hmmmmm stick it on a tripod, drop the ISO waaaay down, stop down the lens to around f8 then set up the exposure, should get something like this with 290mm...

