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f.a.o c905 owners. couple of questions

  black 172
Hi I’ve just ordered my c905 with o2 and was wondering if it came with a memory card (if so what size) and also what is the score with the navigator it says on the Sony Eriksson website it’s a trial version. Do you know how long for? And how to get a full version?
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
A few guys I know with these say they crash a few times, sometimes wiping the memory.

I dont think an updated firmware exists yet, either. Shame because they look sweet.
  black 172
A few guys I know with these say they crash a few times, sometimes wiping the memory.

I dont think an updated firmware exists yet, either. Shame because they look sweet.

yup ive heard they are pretty unstable, always crashing, and apparently SE had tested this and the X1 more thoroughly than usual because retailers are getting fed up of dealing with so many returns and repairs of SE phones

Oh god doesn’t look good, if it does crash it will be going back. The only reason I got it was because I got a good deal with o2 as an upgrade.1200min, 2000 messages and unlimited data all for £27 a month and paid £49.99 for the phone
Mines crashing several times every day now, so i will have to go through the hassle of returning it and having no phone at uni for how ever long.

Also has a lot of "no access to network" - is this Vodafone being rubbish or the handset?
