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f**king tw*t.....RRRRRRRRRR:(

  Tesla MP3 2021
Location... Warrington Bridge foot.
Wednesday night....
sat at a set of lights and there is a mk1 escort next to me...(f**king old piece of sh*t.)...with what looked like scooby doo and shaggie driving
set off from the lights as the road bends to the right and preparing to stop for the next set off lights.....just in my lane and then next minute...

BANG...the c**t tw*ts my rear qauter,....:(:(:(

here is the damage below.....




and what made me laff was he was going mad about his car...(even tho it was his fault)..and there was a little farty f**king stratch on it.:(
that thing was made out of cast iron for f**ks sake.

currently going through insurance now...
should be going in garage tue/wed

and after getting brand new breaks from renault...everything was perfect onit.

Last edited:
Ouch, unlucky mate. When my Clio got hit by an offroader i needed a new door and there no damage on his whatsover! Tin foil panels!
Gash mate, nasty place to damage on these cars as the panel is all spot welded in where as the bumper is just bolt on/off.
Most modern car's are designed to crumble, it does absorb a lot of the impact, just costly to repair.
  Der Panzer
Feeling for you mate.

It would have taken all my restraint not to nut the f**cker.


I knew this was gonna be yours when i saw the thread title on the forum main page....

It will be sorted soon mate...

they give you a price today??? that axle is gonna cost.
  Tesla MP3 2021
lol thaught it would of caught ya eye...

yeah took it down today....was a good garage like.
they are sorting the quote and they will call me on monday with the price.

(oh and ad i rang today....will come in the post early next week..:) )


  182 Cup
What a complete fool!!!! so he came into your lane??? couldnt he see you????


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Andy182Cup said:
Feeling for you mate.

It would have taken all my restraint not to nut the f**cker.

I think thats why they call it an ACCIDENT, because it wasn't done on purpose. Lets hope your mum and dad doesn't have one of these 'accidents', and you suggest he nuts them then...
  Tesla MP3 2021
Cam said:
What a complete fool!!!! so he came into your lane??? couldnt he see you????

obviously not....:(
blind t**t.


Uncleiven said:
lol thaught it would of caught ya eye...

yeah took it down today....was a good garage like.
they are sorting the quote and they will call me on monday with the price.

(oh and ad i rang today....will come in the post early next week..:) )

  Der Panzer
superfastdan said:
I think thats why they call it an ACCIDENT, because it wasn't done on purpose. Lets hope your mum and dad doesn't have one of these 'accidents', and you suggest he nuts them then...

If it's they're fault due to not paying attention they deserve it, regardless if they're my parents. Big boys rules on the roads.

Edit:- If they get belligerent about it.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Andy182Cup said:
If it's they're fault due to not paying attention they deserve it, regardless if they're my parents. Big boys rules on the roads.



superfastdan said:
I think thats why they call it an ACCIDENT, because it wasn't done on purpose. Lets hope your mum and dad doesn't have one of these 'accidents', and you suggest he nuts them then...

When its your pride and joy it is hard not to be seriously pissed. I dont think it was literal suggestion....

Chill out......

I dont know why you always feel the need to cause arguements.. (typical renault salesman) lol
  Rally bus
Must be a Warrington thing - I was driving through there last Friday and some arse drove in the back of my Clio. Fortunately it was in traffic and I'd left the handbrake off so there wasn't much of an impact... no damage. If there had have been some damage then there may have been some damage to the offending driver's head....
  Black Mk2 172
Gutted, theres loads of t***s at bridgefoot who dont know what lane to get in ive had a few near misses there aswell , hope you get sorted soon.
  Tesla MP3 2021
cheers again peeps...
that roundabout is a t**t in warrington...

yeah im going all the way with this one...:)
