Yes Man's awesome. He can not say no, bless him.
Oh, and Cazadars: C*NTS.
Once you've killed Benny in the TOPS (which I suggest you do. Tool up though!) and walk outside afterwards, an NCR runner gives you a message to meet with the NCR Ambassador.
About killing Benny: Sneak a silenced .22 and some concealed melee weapon, then take out Benny first, get Maria (his 9mm) and take out the rest of his goons.
Way easier than letting him be captured by Caesar.
Does anyone know - If you get someone to hate you - IE become infamous by the NCR, is that it or can you earn back their trust somehow?
Does anyone know - If you get someone to hate you - IE become infamous by the NCR, is that it or can you earn back their trust somehow?
im getting on with it now boons following me about like a lost puppy
last thing i did was launch the ghouls into space my lock picking is 100 and my science is about 80 now think im level 9
If I get 80 lockpick then, can I open anything?
Whats the point in going to 100 then? (in anything)
Cheers scutchio!
There is always the possibility though that you cannot locate said skill book that you need though isn't there?? I haven't yet seen any vendors selling skill books
I can't even get into to see Caesar, the boat man takes me to the Fort, but as soon as you get into the Fort itself everyone goes mental and lays into me. Don't stand a chanceactually made it into the Head tent but the Praetorian Guards kill me in a few seconds.
My own fault really, as when you leave the Casino after Benny has bailed you instantly get met by some Legion agent who gives you a pass, but I still went kill crazy after that wiping out every Legion soldier and encampment I could find lol.
LOL! That will come in pretty handy. Now all i need to do is practise caravan - How long did the 88k caps take you to earn scutch?
Awesome. Now to learn how to play caravan I think!?![]()