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FAQ: LEE F1 2011


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 Raider
I'm away so cannot play this yet but I'm concerned with all the reports of shoddy fps and graphics on the PS3 version. I may return it unopened for the 360 version but then I lose the use of my G25 wheel.

if you have g25 i would get it for pc


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 Raider
done a few races on career now. Really enjoying it. I would say if you have just played gt5 then play this on ps3 graphic wise you will be disapointed. However, stick with it its more of the same as 2010 with obviously everything updated. i like the kers and drs features and cars getting out of the way this time with the blue flag. not really into all the david croft interviews and paddock stuff seems a bit tiresome. As said in some of the reviews ive seen the game really come alive in the wet. love the drying line you see when on inters
  Bus Winker
Small things are starting to annoy me. Like when you do a flying lap it will give you a countdown to when you can control the car. However, if you drive out of the pits it will give no notice and I usually go off of the track or just start rolling. :boring:
  Goliath I
Graphics are disappointing, it looks all kind of cartoony. Some of the cars look a bit flat.

Had to change the Kers button as it was in awkward position on the 360
  M140i/Orange 182
i'm playing it on PC and the graphics to me dont seem as good as 2010, there a bit too bright and cartoony as mentioned above.

Physics and handling are much improved though and i think the menu system is excellent.
Been playing it this evening on the PS3, and have to agree with the comments in that the graphics do seem like a step back from 2010.

Not sure why, but I'm really struggling to get the hang of 2011 on my G27. I've been doing much better on my pad.

On 2010, it was the other way round. Was terrible when using the pad, then my laps times were much better when using the G27.

And about KERS....... I thought KERS in real life F1 was meant to recharge according to braking? On the game, KERS just seems to reset whenever I cross the start/finish line. Anyone else noticed this?
  Oil Burner
And about KERS....... I thought KERS in real life F1 was meant to recharge according to braking? On the game, KERS just seems to reset whenever I cross the start/finish line. Anyone else noticed this?

The game is correct. Everytime you go over the line you get another allowance of x amount of KERS. If you don't have the ability to build up this then you won't be able to use it. Red bull for instance run with a smaller capacity kers system than the other teams. But you are right - the act of braking does charge the kers up for the next lap.


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
Anyone else seen this setup bug, you can change a setting and it means your car is effectively on rails and DRS can be used through Eau Rouge

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  Audi TT 225 Quattro
I have to agree with every one else on the graphics , they are shocking.... for example the track does'nt look like its made with made pixels at all very very rough:( The Ps3 can do so much more than what is on offer here, just take a look at GT5 and pick a ferrari f1 car, a real track like monza, nurburgring gp etc and graphics wise the difference is night and day .

i will say that once you look past the graphics the game seems to be actually good and rather addictive , spent around 4 hours online last night and had some very good races ( once past the bumper cars at the 1st corner of every race lol ) not started the main game yet but will get on it later. oh and love the steering with the g25, lots and lots of feedback on offer:approve:
  Golf R/Leon FR
I started the career mode last night, opted to start with Lotus. I have had to change the difficulty setting though as I got pole in Malaysia and finished 6th. Although I did run out of fuel before the end of the Australian GP. I thought my engineer would have warned me to change my fuel mix. Not really noticed any frame rate issue apart from when you finish the race it stutters a bit.
The game is correct. Everytime you go over the line you get another allowance of x amount of KERS. If you don't have the ability to build up this then you won't be able to use it. Red bull for instance run with a smaller capacity kers system than the other teams. But you are right - the act of braking does charge the kers up for the next lap.

Ah cool. Didn't know that.

But will the game always re-charge it to 100% (assuming its not damaged) regardless of how much braking is done on the pre-ceeding lap? Just thinking of tracks where they always say its difficult to get KERS re-charged up fully.

Does anyone know in race if there's a way of seeing what tyres other teams are changing to?

I just had a race which started wet but then it stopped and dryed out. Everyone dived into the pits to change tyres, but my team didn't give me any guidance at all.

I went in, made inevitably the wrong choice (inters) when everyone else must have gone for dry... and then got spanked by everyone on the last few laps. I know its my own fault, but I would have hoped the team would be a bit more pro-active in giving me a hint much like real-life.
  Golf R/Leon FR
^ yeah mate, go into race director on the menu when paused and it'll tell you all other teams tyres and lap times. Also I think it was mentioned that you can get mechanical failures and KERS not working for a few laps.
  MY10 R35 GTR
Whats every one using assists wise?

Career mode: Im only using the abs, everything else off. And AI set of professional and in the williams Im struggling to get above 16/17th in quali

One thng I have noticed is that the AI seems more consistent. In 2010 I always found at least 1 corner per track that the AI would be shocking at and you could take chunks of time out them, doesnt seem so on 2011


ClioSport Club Member
Bought this last night, returned it this morning.

Graphics aren't as good as I was expecting and there are still some frame rate issues. But what p*ssed me off the most is I did one race and got 145 gamerpoints. The achievements are garbage and for me it just gives the game no longevity.

Now to wait for Forza!
  MY10 R35 GTR
Just done my first race in carrer mode. ABS only and AI on professional. Qual 15. Finished 9th, I was running 6th untill I started to run out of fuel on last lap though lol
  RS Clio 182
Im really disappointed with the PS3 graphics & framerate - they are shocking,worse than 2010 in fact. I just compared Shanghai on both games - 2010 was much smoother,and things like the slick tyres looked much better - on 2011 they all jagged & pixelated,almost cartoony like. It really is a shocking PS3 port by Codemasters - Can Lee shed any light on these issues? I know a lot of people are complaining about the PS3 version on the CM forum.
  AG 200 cup
Cant edit my first post but I've got the saftey car in quick race but can't see an option for it on career. Anyone know where it is.
  MY10 R35 GTR
seem to have got the hang of it now, Qualified 3rd in the williams at Malaysia. AI on professional and now taken all the aids off

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
My nephew got this yesterday on the PC with a G25 setup. He's clocked over 560+ hours in the previous 2010 game and so far gives the 2011 version a big thumbs up. I watched him on a few online sprint races of around 3 laps or so and it looked very impressive indeed. Shanghai was one of those tracks and the depth and detail looked very well done - both giving conveying the illusion of speed and distance really quite well. I'm guessing that Shanghai just looks kack on the PS3 version?

I did see one glitch though where the fastest lap during one race was something like 23453354566.34 - so big in fact that the number exceeded the edges of the timing box.



  911 GTS Cab
Anyone else seen this setup bug, you can change a setting and it means your car is effectively on rails and DRS can be used through Eau Rouge

maybe Lee put it in so he looks great when driving the car at the press events ;)
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  911 GTS Cab
Im really disappointed with the PS3 graphics & framerate - they are shocking,worse than 2010 in fact. I just compared Shanghai on both games - 2010 was much smoother,and things like the slick tyres looked much better - on 2011 they all jagged & pixelated,almost cartoony like. It really is a shocking PS3 port by Codemasters - Can Lee shed any light on these issues? I know a lot of people are complaining about the PS3 version on the CM forum.

this is what's preventing my from buying it at the mo, i have both systems but i want to use the G25 for i'm not getting it for the 360.
  Golf R/Leon FR
After playing this for a good few hours today I'm really enjoying it, as said in previous posts the graphics are a big let down. The cars themselves look good but the track is shocking. It's far more pad friendly too, I can fettle the throttle easier.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Have to decide if I will return my PS3 copy unopened and get it for the 360 instead. Not sure yet.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I gave in and decided to try this on my PS3 and am happy to report it's much better than many online comments led me to believe. The graphics are no worse than 2010 and no major fps issues on any of the tracks I tested. Monaco was good fun.
  FN2 Type R GT
As much as i really want to enjoy it i can't help but think that Codemasters have rushed this out again, try playing multiplayer, framerate issues make it more or less unplayable when the person you're playing with goes into the pits/through built up area.

Also was i the only one that thought co-op championship was local rather than being on xbox live?

Single player has been good so far..
  Nothing at the mo :(
Im not had ONE problem on any frame rate issue yet on any track :S maybe all ur xboxs are getting old and dusty
