cerbera u like it then.. mines rapid but it attracts all sorts...
had some fat scrag today in some crappy peugeot 205 thing white prob a grd or sommit basically slowing right down in the right hand lane of a dual c even though he was turning right and there was a lane to turn into..i dont know what the scrag was doing but i undertook him anyway... looked at him just before he got hes turd out my way and he was laughing... i just stared at him.. he must of thought he was cool even though hes car does 50 top end and cost 300 quid and got in my way for 5 secs.. NOB ed
(Sorry Rant) hehe
had some guy in some brand new Audi tdi thing quite big today blacked out windows, well he shot off after me coming out from the Gym, anyway let him past for a while then decided to give chase.. next rd about he shoots off i undertake him with both the passenger and him watching as i fly past..quite comedy really cus he was gunning it, i bounced off the limiter in 2nd cus i was watching their faces, lol its nuts the clio, some guy near me with a VR4 250bhp held him off till 5th gear... he didnt look as he passed + the bird was with me weighs 8stone hehe..