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Finally Got One! (182 Cup)

tom_1.4_16v said:
dont the stripes normally go all the way down the rear bumper?

no mate his are done correctly although a few peeps on here have had some strange conbinations on theirs :S
a few of them did iirc but most of them dont
the spacing between the two stripes is different on some cars as well, maybe it just depends on whether they were put on at the factory or dealers or as aftermarket?
if you compare the stripes in the parkers link they are in a different place than on the one in this thread, and look a different thickness, hummmmmmmm
Cheers for the replies, loving the car so far, though it isnt as well put together as my 8 year old ibiza lol
the photos dont really seem to show the colour very well, its a really dark blue, not anywhere near as light as it looks
  LY V6 with Recaros
Looks lovely, the best colour! Yeah they don't seem to catch a true likeness of the colour in photo's
  Ibis A3 BE
Nice car!! Do you know where your Cup badges have gone from the doors though? Just behind the front windows is where they usually are...

No big deal though - great price, great colour and great stripes!
  A well built VW
justinRT said:
the drive wasnt really that great, sitting on a motorway wasnt much fun, will be goin out B road bashing soon though!

You went the wrong way theres some wonderfuld roads back from Yorkshire if you stay off the A1

car looks nice :approve:
cheers guys, cant believe a car can make me smile so much, went on a decent drive today, back roads are the best! lol
  BMW 320d SE
Nice motor. Love the colour ;)
As for the stripes, mine go all the way down to the bottom edge of the tailgate.
Yeh thats whats i was thinkin aswell, it looks alot darker in real life than the photos i have seen of racing blue, so i just went along with it lol
  172 Cup
Yea, I've seen a few Racing Blue 182's on the road.. it's usually Arctic I see floating around tho.. or Silver. Don't see many black gold ones.
I havent seen another racing blue one till i got mine, but hardly see much more, have seen heaps of 172s and cups goin around, they are almost as common as CTRs!
  57 Ibiza Formula Sport
lovely car, if i had enough money to buy a 182 i would have it in racing blue WITH stripes, so good choice! :)
Thanks, being honest, it was the stripes that swayed me, my mates have been slagging them aswell, but i think they look good.. the amount of people looking is funny aswell.. (even though they are probably thinking 'what a state') lol

would have been getting an inferno one if i didnt get this one, but glad i didnt, the colour is really growing on me!
lol, think i would agree with that, really does look ace at night while parked under the petrol station lighting.. lovin it!
  57 Ibiza Formula Sport
i took some pics of makavelli's racing blue @ a CS meet i went to in jan and it looks totally diff on the pic to what it looked like in person...really weird! il try and dig it out..
  57 Ibiza Formula Sport
mind you, pathetic quality!


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