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fitted my £30 cup spoiler :)

  clio 172 phase 2
so had my cup spoiler back from the bodyshop today well happy with it only bought the spoiler for 30 quid then spraying cost £50 so in total cost me 80 bucks bargain !



sorry for the shocking pics il get some good shots 2moro as im goin to a local motorsport show so should have some decent stuff then

thanks for looking


ClioSport Club Member
  Cup'182/Rs2'd Trophy
Looks phat from the rear.

Those new RS badges are growing on me more.
  RB 182 FF
Hey bud nice touch, finishes the car off nicely... where in Wales are you?! What motorsport show is on, I fancy a day out tomorrow...... :D
  clio 172 phase 2
Thanks for the positive feedback guys !

Hey buddy ^^^ the show is at pembrey race circuit

South west wales

I live in a place called carmarthen dude
  clio 172 phase 2
Cheers buddy il get some good pics today given the car a full detail black hole and ag hd wax looks like a mirror lol


  182 & LY Clio 220 ed
Did the bodyshop fit it or yourself ? I really need to invest in one of these after seeing the total transformation it makes.

You can fit it yourself...its 6 screws and then connect washer pipe and cable for brake light...I did mine in a service station as I knew it would have been too dark when I got home. :)
  clio 172 phase 2
Yea mate somone on here mentioned that too havnt noticed till he told me was like that wen i got it

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
I mentioned it to you aaaages ago at a meet!

Looks nice with the spoiler :)
  clio 172 phase 2
Think you got me mixed up with sumone else mate ive never been to a meet ! Is this meet towards end of month still goin ahead

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Oh right! More than one black 172 with a dodgy rear plate then....

Yeah the meet is going to have a good turn out by the looks of it!
  clio 172 phase 2
The parada are pretty good mate not the best in the wet but super sticky in the dry . Ive never tried the ad08s so couldnt compare but from what i heard the ad08 are the better choice ! But the spec 2 parada are only 46 quid a corner from camskill so great value for money imo
