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Fitting MP3 Socket

  Clio 1.5DCI

Recently purchased a "Connects2" connection kit for my clio, Ive looked around and see that most people who get these tend to drill a hole into the glovebox. I got it because (Personal Preference) I hate after market units in the clio dash, they just look seriously out of place, it also means you loose the steering stalk function and renders the built in screen useless.

Dont know if anyone else has done this but im hoping to change the 3.5mm Jack Plug to a socket and then drill a hole in the dashboard and mount the socket. Ive removed the headunit and noticed it is possible to fit the Connects2 box to the left of the head unit and then drop the cable down the left side of the central console and then pull the socket through the hole and bolt it into place.

Can anyone tell me if they have done this?:eek:
