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Forza 3


ClioSport Club Member
lmao i just tell the missus to stfu and go sleep ;)
il be on mate. been playing with my drift car today and got 137k on fujimi i think 150k+ should be achieved after a few runs :)


ClioSport Club Member
sorry i didnt accept the invites guys i was already in a party and lobby. will join in next time your on


ClioSport Club Member
Not really real drifting then... ;)

aha its is but its an easy way to drift :rasp:
iv managed to set up awd drifitng well but rwd i cant get the hang of yet got an e30 and i got over 80k on fujimi but its useless at holding a good drift. il get there eventually also got a dodge ram drift car rwd haha its crazy. any tips for rwd?
was a good laugh last night same again sorry i dont speak much but whenever i do i get evils from my gf cus shes sleeping lol.
oh and who got that replay from the other night? i flipped my car and wana see a replay :D


ClioSport Club Member
It's useless at holding a good drift because YOU have to do it. All you have to do in AWD cars is sit there with the throttle wide open. lol.

Skyline Coupes and Supras are good to learn drifting with. Anything that's fairly long wheelbase. Silvias to, obviously.

We can have a crack at drift one night if you fancy? Strictly no AWD cars though! ;)

I might be on tonight, it depends what time I get online.


ClioSport Club Member
lol i know after a few runs with a rwd i can do better like you say its about how much throttle you put in and after using awd i just spin when i try and hold a drift.
im up for that anyway mate would be a laugh. i think an awd one would be good too though ;)
i think if we have a good amount of people in a lobby an a class virus would be pretty hectic and its actually something i might be able to win lol.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  E90 M3
Lol at the vid!

I'm picking up a wheel this week, should make things interesting!


ClioSport Club Member
I'll be on tonight from about 10pm if anyone on here's about. The regulars will be on, no doubt... if Alex doesn't rage quit for the first time this week. LOL.


ClioSport Club Member
LOL. That E92 M3 I have. Even though it's a B500, it's about two seconds quicker than other people's quick cars around most tracks.

Chris has an E36 M3 which is really similar.
I'll join you all for the first time tonight if theres room? adam1, you've got me on XBL, i'll message you if your already playing etc for an invite!


ClioSport Club Member
That 'Ring race was awesome lol.

Road America where we followed each other really closely... well, for one lap. lol


ClioSport Club Member
Apologies for my uberlag last night. She was uploading 100+ photos to Facebook and I didn't know. LOL. That'll do it.

I'll be on at 10.30 tonight with an actual connection.
