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Forza Motorsport 6


ClioSport Club Member
  VW T5.1
Down to 8:27. Hoping to lower it again in the next few days or even change to a different car. I've seen the integra in the 7's on the leader board so I only need 28 seconds... lol :(


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah it's the E30 M3 mate.

Haha with a bit more effort a 7.55 would be possible perhaps, as you say though god knows how the top players get such fast times.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Awesome time Adam. Few laps last night, not managed anything below 8:10 yet, or clean. Lol.

More practice needed!


ClioSport Club Member
Awesome time Adam. Few laps last night, not managed anything below 8:10 yet, or clean. Lol.

More practice needed!

Cheers, if you haven't already try setting a ghost as one of the 8.00 times or something so you can see where you can make the time up.

Here's my replay for the lap..
Last edited:


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
Do you not lose loads of time hitting the limiter all the time?

I'm gonna have a blast later and see how bad I am!


ClioSport Club Member
Do you not lose loads of time hitting the limiter all the time?

I'm gonna have a blast later and see how bad I am!

That's not hitting the limiter, well not always. It's flat shifting.

You will notice I'm in the red line a lot though because I found changing earlier bogged the car down in a lot of places so I was better off staying in the lower gear.

Chris V6 255

ClioSport Club Member
  V6 255, 182 Trophy
Just had a crack at this and managed a staggering 8:52 lol I've got a lot of practicing to do!


ClioSport Club Member
  VW T5.1
I don't think my DC2 has got enough top end to get much quicker than 8:27 :(. Nearly all the mods are handling orientated
  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
Cheers, if you haven't already try setting a ghost as one of the 8.00 times or something so you can see where you can make the time up.

Here's my replay for the lap..

Followed your 7:57 around before. Interesting to see where I'm quicker and where you are.

Beat it but it wasn't a clean lap so raged and switched it off lol. Maybe tomorrow haha!


ClioSport Club Member
Followed your 7:57 around before. Interesting to see where I'm quicker and where you are.

Beat it but it wasn't a clean lap so raged and switched it off lol. Maybe tomorrow haha!

Still using the Civic? I can't go as fast in that, not used to FWD in this game lol. I'm not sure if I can go much faster but if someone beats it I'll give it a good go. Does get frustrating when you mess up a good lap lol.

@Luke They are race tyres (slicks) on this set up iirc.


ClioSport Club Member
I've bought this, but I'm struggling to get into something on it that I enjoy - I find myself doing 2 or 3 races through Career Mode, and getting bored. It's the same with Project Cars - I'm obviously missing something, as I'm incapable of playing either of them for more than about half an hour at a time.


ClioSport Club Member
Anyone playing this on a decent wheel?

I still haven't bought it yet but getting tempted now, Just curious as to whether the FFB is any better than in FM5
  182, SQ7, Trafic
I've bought this, but I'm struggling to get into something on it that I enjoy - I find myself doing 2 or 3 races through Career Mode, and getting bored. It's the same with Project Cars - I'm obviously missing something, as I'm incapable of playing either of them for more than about half an hour at a time.

Once I've finished career ill hammer rivals as you beat a lap time and it sets you up with another to beat. Gives it that one more go feel.


ClioSport Club Member
I always found career in Forza boring so I've not even bothered in 6 and just sticking with online hoppers and the league. Much more fun imo.
  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
Still using the Civic? I can't go as fast in that, not used to FWD in this game lol. I'm not sure if I can go much faster but if someone beats it I'll give it a good go. Does get frustrating when you mess up a good lap lol.

Yeah still rocking the civic lol. I know it has a 7:55 in it if i can keep it together.

I'm the same, anything rwd for me i spend more time kicking the tail out lol.


ClioSport Club Member
I'm shite though :(

Tag virus is great fun and helps you get better ;).

Yeah still rocking the civic lol. I know it has a 7:55 in it if i can keep it together.

I'm the same, anything rwd for me i spend more time kicking the tail out lol.

Lol hopefully not.. I might have another go in the williams its amazing through corners but completely lacks top end may have to lower handling for power.


ClioSport Club Member
Tag virus is great fun and helps you get better :wink:.

Lol hopefully not.. I might have another go in the williams its amazing through corners but completely lacks top end may have to lower handling for power.
I can honestly say I've never played Forza online!


ClioSport Club Member
  VW T5.1
This is driving me mental. I'm down to 8.26 in an ek9, decided to focus a bit more on speed rather than just all out handling but I just can't get any faster!


ClioSport Club Member
The thing with online over single player for me is it's much more fun knowing you are racing other people and not just some computer programme. Always makes it much more satisfying. From the brief go on single player I've had though I'd definitely say it seems this is the best AI in any Forza so far.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Decided to get this a few days ago. Better than forza 5, really enjoyed the endurance race on the Nurburgring and the AI is so much better than 5.
No random braking and smashing into you.

Tried for a c class lap like earlier in the thread, managed a 8:36 with the Golf R. Going to try again tomorrow.

Bonus for me is the megane 250 is the exact same as my real life one! (leather recaros and visibility pack!)
  Clio 172, Abarth 500
I'm loving this game, I brought the Forza 6 Xbox One in the sale, Trying to 100% career mode. Just about to 100% volume one. My problem is I get bored of the car im driving and switch to another car spend 30 mins deciding how ill mod it then 15 mins choosing a design before. :smile:. As I say, I love it!

What's the Nurburgring challenge that's going on? Struggling to find the first post for it!
