Would be sad to see them go, I used to do pre-orders from them as you get a nice amount of reward points and they're generally cheaper than Steam. But after my pre-ordered game (Gears of War 3) got to me 5 days after release I stopped using them because as I'm sure you can imagine, it was very annoying
I know something secret about a company, but I can't tell you the company name or the secret
I know something secret about a company, but I can't tell you the company name or the secret
Things were bad, now they're really bad, especially as they apparently aren't giving people their fivers back if they pre-ordered, just store credit...
A lot of that is EA though, they have grown too big for their own boots and are pissing a lot of people off in the market which they really shouldn't. The whole reason they invested in Origin was for similar reasons and that Valve (Steam platform) wouldn't give them the administrative controls they were looking for.
So IMO I wouldn't link the two stories together, EA are trash
Well, yes it does, to be having that turnover with the products they sell means they have a lot of customers and purchases, so they are doing something wrong, their costs must be too high to make the margin, it's not like they are selling too cheap is it!
So I'd say they are doing some serious cost cutting at the moment to make the company more streamline, as clearly sales are not an issue.
Doesn't that set alarm bells ringing though Dave, selling games at that price yet still being on shaky ground means something is seriously wrong with the business. Turnover is vanity profit is sanity, all their turnover highlights is that they are busy fools and need to look at their business model and practices and make drastic changes while they're still able to.
If they don't know how to run a business by now then it's too late.
This isn't some new start-up worrying about getting people interested before they work out how to make a profit.
I could turn over a billion selling £20 notes. Doesn't mean I'll make any money.
Revels, a billion turnover is a substantial amount, you have to be a serious player to be pumping out that amount of business and the infrastructure required to turnover than amount. It's absolutely relevant, it means they still have masses of sales and customers, to say it means nothing is wrong.
People normally go under becasuse they aren't selling enough, market has changed etc.
And while the games market has changed, game still seem to be massive players because I they are the only real major high street retailer. Yes asda and tescos might take some money around big release titles, but so do game with pre-orders on their website.
I guess they might go online only and close all the retail stores, that would slash a massive amount off their costs. They could then bring prices down to compete with throther online players.
Poor Game. I guess I'll be purchasing all the games on Amazon from now on!![]()
You simply could not.I could turn over a billion selling £20 notes. Doesn't mean I'll make any money.
You simply could not.
No one would buy £20 for £20 and if you sold them at a loss you would run out of money before you got anywhere near a billion.
Okay. Bad example. But the point stands. You could sell something/anything at trade +1%. You'd make a tiny bit but never enough to cover all your outgoings. You'd make a massive amount in turnover but never enough to turn a profit. Like Game.