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Gen90 DIY mapping/calibration thread


ClioSport Club Member
  172 R27 R8 Spider
Should be fine. I used to have issues with windows 7. Have you got another usb cable to test with?
No spare cable unfortunately, the current cable is new and unused and would assume that it should be working perfectly? or do they have an issue with failure?


ClioSport Club Member
No spare cable unfortunately, the current cable is new and unused and would assume that it should be working perfectly? or do they have an issue with failure?
I am not familiar with the GEN90 cable. Is it a standard USB cable? Or is it an adapter cable (usb to serial connector).

I used to supply equipment with a usb cable, perhaps 1 in 100 cables were bad so I wouldn't rule it out without trying another.

With windows 10 your computer should detect the FTDI device (which is likely an FT232r) and list it under the device manager as a USB Serial Port or give an error.

If it isn't correctly listed, or there is no error listed it's likely not a driver issue, and I would suspect cable or ECU not powered. If it's a straight USB cable the FTDI device can either be powered from your computer USB or by the ECU, so have the ignition on while you are playing just to rule that out.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 R27 R8 Spider
It's not a standard USB cable and specific to the Gen90 ECU I believe?

The car starts so the ECU must have power, all I need to do is set the TPS

I would have thought that if the software is asking me to manually choose a port it would list have listed all the ports available and then I chose which one to connect the cable to? Otherwise it would connect automatically?

It's not my area of expertise :(


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David Stuart

ClioSport Club Member
Has anyone managed to go the OBD connector working with the Gen90?

Assuming it’s CAN bus type I’ve seen this done before the the correct pin out info.

Reason I ask, I really want brake and accelerator inputs for my in car video. My timing app can pick these up from a Bluetooth OBD connector.

Any other ideas welcome as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


ClioSport Club Member
It's Windows 10
I've used Windows 10 fine.

When you plug the USB in and out does it recognise the new hardware and give you the option of installing drivers etc.

Can you view the USB in device manager, maybe as an unknown device rather than a serial adaptor.


ClioSport Club Member
It's not a standard USB cable and specific to the Gen90 ECU I believe?

The car starts so the ECU must have power, all I need to do is set the TPS

I would have thought that if the software is asking me to manually choose a port it would list have listed all the ports available and then I chose which one to connect the cable to? Otherwise it would connect automatically?

It's not my area of expertise :(
The usb serial could converter is in the cable and powered by your laptop usb port. The adapter should be recognised without the cable even being plugged into your ECU.

Of you open device manager and then plug the cable in does the page refresh at all?


ClioSport Club Member
  172 R27 R8 Spider
The usb serial could converter is in the cable and powered by your laptop usb port. The adapter should be recognised without the cable even being plugged into your ECU.

Of you open device manager and then plug the cable in does the page refresh at all?
With the device manager open, when I plug in the KTEC USB stick it is recognised as a storage device, when I plug the ECU cable into the laptop nothing happens, it is not recognised at all.


ClioSport Club Member
With the device manager open, when I plug in the KTEC USB stick it is recognised as a storage device, when I plug the ECU cable into the laptop nothing happens, it is not recognised at all.

I would suggest the cable they have supplied is faulty and that you should contact them tomorrow :(


ClioSport Club Member
  172 R27 R8 Spider
OK, I have now tried plugging the USB cable into the laptop without being connected to the ECU and the device manager does notice a change. The only thing is that when I plug in the USB cable it removes a USB composite device and when I remove the cable it adds a composite device to the list of USB controllers? The Gen90 software still doesn't show any port options to choose from.
OK, I have now tried plugging the USB cable into the laptop without being connected to the ECU and the device manager does notice a change. The only thing is that when I plug in the USB cable it removes a USB composite device and when I remove the cable it adds a composite device to the list of USB controllers? The Gen90 software still doesn't show any port options to choose from.

by your description, sounds like the usb hub on the motherboard shuts itself down when you connect the cable, and comes back on when you disconnect it. That may be due to some kind of damage on the cable. Try on another computer just to be sure.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 R27 R8 Spider
Hey guys, tried the cable on another computer with no joy. Tried a different cable after a trip to K-Tec and all is good.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 R27 R8 Spider
Hello again,

I know have the Gen90 up and running but I have noticed that the temperature gauge on the dash is no longer working. The water temperature can be seen on the laptop through the software. I have tried the clocks on another car and they work correctly. Any suggestions?


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172
Tough I should bump this thread.
few issues with the gen90
Now.. I’m not 100 % sure it’s the ECU fault. But close enough.
I have checked 3 times all the wiring from the accelerator pedal and the throttle body. It is all correct.
also, I can see the pedal respond working in the tuner pro software.
any way, when connecting the pedal, the throttle going crazy 😂

second thing..
key identify, is lost every few minutes.
Then I need to press the key while turning the ignition, and it’s recognizing again.
Outer wise, the led blipping.

Any ideas ?
I search for a throttle configuration, but couldn’t found anything.
I Also try to replace the throttle and the pedal, and nothing changed.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172
Hi @incy-spider
thank you mate!

please see the Cal i got from EFI. ( i add with 7zip as i cant upload Cal file directly..)

regarding the engine spec.
its a complete 197 engine, including 197 vvt, cam sensor, coil on plug and so on.
nothing spatial.. its on my MK2 172.


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ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172
Hi Rob,
Yes, all grounds connected mate.
It’s very odd behavior, trying to figure it out for a week now haha


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172
Yes I’m still on Electronic throttle mate.
Attached the complete ECU pinout, I got from ktec, and worked with.
Thank you mate


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  172 Ph1
Make sure all your pins are in the correct point @ ecu to each pin on pedal and motorised throttle.

Don’t just continuity check , do a resistance check on each wire once confirmed it’s at the right pin @ecu.

And also check that each correct wire hasn’t a short across to other wires and to ground .

I’ve seen a throttle butterfly go berserk because the wires were in the wrong place.

Hope this helps and you get it sussed out .

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ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172
Make sure all your pins are in the correct point @ ecu to each pin on pedal and motorised throttle.

Don’t just continuity check , do a resistance check on each wire once confirmed it’s at the right pin @ecu.

And also check that each correct wire hasn’t a short across to other wires and to ground .

I’ve seen a throttle butterfly go berserk because the wires were in the wrong place.

Hope this helps and you get it sussed out .

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkView attachment 1582993
Thanks for your time man!
I’ll I did check resident/ shortage trough the throttle, but not the pedal. I’ll update!

Regarding the throttle body itself, they share the same part number, so I didn’t bothered 😆
The file you attached, i assume it’s the picture below?
  172 Ph1
Thanks for your time man!
I’ll I did check resident/ shortage trough the throttle, but not the pedal. I’ll update!

Regarding the throttle body itself, they share the same part number, so I didn’t bothered [emoji38]
The file you attached, i assume it’s the picture below?

Yes the file is the picture below [emoji1303]

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ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172
Got the chance to check it again today.
Pinout from PDL and throttle is as should be.
No shortage to the ground or to each other.
Resistance on all wires from end to end is 0.2 ohms.
Out of frustration, and mumbled curse Renault in my mind.
I connected the OEM ECU.
And it’s not flapping with it..
It dose however not fully respond to the PDL. It’s working like on/off switch. So the mystery continues I guess.
Probably needs to configure the lanes in the GEN90
But it’s so messed up. I can’t figure out that software.
Dose someone tried to work with GEMS software instead ktec?

Any way, this is where I’m stuck at.
After that, I can start wrapping the loop
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Dose someone tried to work with GEMS software instead ktec?
Yup, same $h1t, almost same smell.

Does anyone know the "change gear" pin output? It's blank in the software, and I'm afraid of start trying out random numbers :\
This ECU is the real "black box" concept.
Hi...just found this thread when searching.

I've been given the misfortune of having to install/tune one of the GEMS ecu's on a supercharged kit for a Clio 172. And as expected it has started poorly ( I've used GEMS once before....I do hate them. )

The kit came supplied with sparse information, a USB stick with some software, and I have details etc of the software license which the GEMS software is happy with.....albeit still won't connect to the ecu lol

So, I cannot connect to the ecu with any software, neither the supplied Lite nor the full GEMS software. GEn90 ecu 00X84 has not been installed. It wants a GIN file....but this seems to be with the fairies at the minute.

Would anyone have any clue where this mystery GIN file could be found ?

I have emailed K-tec also.

But it does start and drive to move about which is a positive, but is far too lean to try and run under any load.
Wait for ktec answer, they will provide the gin file.
That file tells the software how to deal with the ecu.

It’s a silly thing not coming with the software on the usb stick.
Thanks, and I agree. And their provided instructions with the license key in the email simply say to go to the GEMS site and download the relevant software.....yet it does not tell you which is the relevant software.

The USB stick supplied has different software again ( Lite version though whatever that allows ).

I had the misfortune years ago of working on a Subaru with was just a nightmare from start to finish. Horrible horrible software.
When I see videos on youtube with ecu’s from other manufacturers, I almost cry.
These gen90s are very poor. The only advantage is to be straight plug and play, otherwise I suspect that they would roth in the shelves.

PS: if they only provided a manual on how to do more things, I guess it would be OK, but as it is, even making the shift light work, is pretty much rocket science.

PSS: and god forbid that some sensor or wire fails, I bet there is no error codes, or a simple warning in the dash…
plug n play does...should make life easier.

And I get the impression it does rely on CAN for the OEM dash, which not all manufactures will go to the trouble of setting up. So that is a bonus for those who would be retaining the dash. Which is most people I'd think, at least with road cars.
That’s true, but don’t rely on the values for range and instant consumption, or you will end up walking to the nearest station for gas.


ClioSport Club Member
Ecumaster black and link ecu's and i believe maxxecu can also stream dash data on the canbus, far better options just need to make a loom to suit.
Ecumaster black and link ecu's and i believe maxxecu can also stream dash data on the canbus, far better options just need to make a loom to suit.

Many ecu's can stream data. Are you saying those two have the CAN stream pre-configured for the Clio dash ?


ClioSport Club Member
Ecumaster black already has the can stream configured for clio2 dash and works good. I believe link and maxxecu do too bit ive not used them personally.
  Clio 172 + Clio200T
I revive this thread because its the most info filled thread about gen90..

I was looking at the pinout posted and I see there are dedicated pins for 2 switches.. 20 and 39. Those switches pilot air recirculation and AC.
Question for those who already fiddled with the "super intuitive" gen tuner software.
Is possible from that software to use them for example for making radiator fan manual soin and/or to make the internal logger start/stop?
If yes.. can this be done in the sw like tps calibration . Or needs a special built kcal file?
My ecu has been already mapped and being the fuel map locked I dont want to mess with it..
Thank you!


ClioSport Club Member
@KitsonRis Not sure if this thread is of any use to you?
I’ll take a read later. But I’ve been told by KTec that once I move the pins in the ECU connector about (gave me a diagram) then it should fire into life….should. Mine has a base map and enough to get it running to get it up to temp to check before mapping. I won’t be able to drive it but hoping I can at least move the car. I didn’t get any software or that with it, pretty useless as I have a Mac so wouldn’t be able to run it anyway
