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Girlfriend can't get on Amazon

For some reason my girlfriends PC won't connect to Amazon, it says page cannot be displayed. This is the only one she can't get to and its been like it for a week or so...

I deleted cookes and restored internet settings to default to no avail. One thing i forgot to try was disabling her Anti-Virus software, but has anyone got any other ideas?

I installed Firefox and she can get on it, so its just IE...



ClioSport Club Member
I've got a couple of sites that i just can not access on my home PC, but can at work. Very strange
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
IE is a bit s**t, but then I've got some websites we use at work which don't work with Mozilla. :(
Si i saw a black CTR (A3 into London) last night with a bumper/diffuser combo as per the new Clio 197. It had black wheels with red edges. Have to admit it looked pretty amazing! Know who it is?
  Audi S3 225
could be router, or firewall? Try reinstalling internet explorer, or go back a week or so on system restore...

one other thing, im on aol and have a netgear router, when i upgraded the firmware it changed one of the settings called 'mtu size' it was on '1480' but all aol users must use '1400' otherwise a lot of websites dont work or load very slow, same thing for other providers but i think most use 1480 as thats the standard.

but thats only if you use a router.
In the almost unlikely event of getting a weird spyware or trojan that'll block amazon, you can check your HOSTS file. You should only have
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] localhost[/FONT]

Can find it at:

98/me: c:\windows\hosts
nt\2k\xp: c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
xp home: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts


ClioSport Club Member
  4 wheels
Jonesy said:
could be router, or firewall? Try reinstalling internet explorer, or go back a week or so on system restore...

one other thing, im on aol and have a netgear router, when i upgraded the firmware it changed one of the settings called 'mtu size' it was on '1480' but all aol users must use '1400' otherwise a lot of websites dont work or load very slow, same thing for other providers but i think most use 1480 as thats the standard.

but thats only if you use a router.

ive got the netgear router. where is the settings so that i can change them cause i cant get on certain websites
  BMW M135i
Also try clearing the IP cache, get a command prompt up and type : ipconfig /cleardns

Has sorted me out before.
  Audi S3 225
Craig said:
ive got the netgear router. where is the settings so that i can change them cause i cant get on certain websites

type in internet explorer and log in, then under 'advanced' click on 'wan setup' and at the bottom is the setting for mtu size if on aol change to 1400 if not ot should be 1480
