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Grand Theft Auto V

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
save through the 10 days, takes about 12 mins.

And run in circles for the desert bit as you can get eaten by a mountain lion if you run off.


At the end mission you get in a car full of money and drive to meet a helicopter - DO NOT PARK ON THE YELLOW MARKER.

Instead, park up, rocket laucher the helecoper and kill all the cult guards, then get back in the car, and evade the cops - by doing this you will still complete the mission, but you will get around 2 million dollars from the car, with no come backs :)

Thanks for the tips. I raged quit before because I got to about 4 miles in my walk/run through the desert and I apparently went off course and the c***s reset my counter. :mad:
  53 Clio's & counting
Yeah I had that mate, near where you start there is 2 caravans and an old boat - I stood in the middle there and ran around in a circle
  182, SQ7, Trafic
The main way is the lester assaination missions, you can make billions with them, I flew through them and still made around 1 billion per character - you got to complete the main story line so you have max amount of cash to put into the stocks

I know the assassination missions are the way but you must need a fair whack to begin to get into the billions!
Personally I can't see the motivation in spending hours earning billions of dollars in this game. I suppose it's a high score thing?

For me it's about the story. Obviously with a sprinkle of morally questionable tomfoolery thrown in. Once the main missions are done I'll probably murder me a couple of prostitutes and quickly grow bored of it.

I suppose that's what makes the game so amazing though. Potentially you could play it forever.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Probably to buy the golf course.

Yup. You can't possibly buy the golf course unless you do the assassination missions last (after the final mission wind-fall) and pile everything into the shares.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Probably to buy the golf course.

Yep, same here. Don't want billions, just intrigued how people have gained that much.

Just completed the game second time through.

Did the sensible options each time this time and ended up with about 6,000,000 more!
  53 Clio's & counting
I know the assassination missions are the way but you must need a fair whack to begin to get into the billions!

Not really, I completed the main story, and you get a certain amount for doing it - I then did the lester missions with the money I had from the end missions and got past 1 billion on each character - it is very easy :)

Personally I can't see the motivation in spending hours earning billions of dollars in this game. I suppose it's a high score thing?

For me it's about the story. Obviously with a sprinkle of morally questionable tomfoolery thrown in. Once the main missions are done I'll probably murder me a couple of prostitutes and quickly grow bored of it.

I suppose that's what makes the game so amazing though. Potentially you could play it forever.

I agree, I wouldn't waste too much time getting money for the sake of just getting money, as said I only did the lester missions to get the money so I didn't have to ever worry about funds on the game again - some people really get far too involved and apparently you can make the max amount of money allowed in the game by doing the lester missions (2.14 Billion iirc) so I didn't do it completely 'right' but it only took about 30 mins to change $25 million into 1 billion, so it's not too bad.

Now I can chill out, buy what I want, pimp cars and get hoes :cool:

Probably to buy the golf course.

I won't lie, I did buy it. But i wasn't doing the game to buy it, more that the influx of cash meant I could buy it - completely pointless investment obviously, but it's only a game :)
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Thanks for the tips. I raged quit before because I got to about 4 miles in my walk/run through the desert and I apparently went off course and the c***s reset my counter. :mad:


Is sellotaping the controller cheating? Haha!

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Genius! Haha. Did you put the tv on mute too as Michael chants kifflom every 0.1 of a mile.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
I played it for about 5 hours and lost interest. Waste of money for XBL and the game. I think it's safe to say I'm not interested in gaming these days.

I did the exact same thing.

Ive got got a few hours in and forgotten all about it. I haven't played it for a few weeks
  182, SQ7, Trafic
I've just completed the story and assassination missions in a massive rush, skipping cutscenes etc and doing the bare minimum. (second time)

It roughly equates to about 30 hours of gameplay which I don't think is too bad when people are moaning its too short. Real time its taken me about 3 weeks to do.

I haven't started any S&F missions yet so I think people have just rushed the game rather than taken time! Let alone the online side of things!

Currently about 1.4 billion in each account so I'm sorted!

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
I'm about 85% complete, collected all the spaceship parts and letter scraps, so no more S&F now until I get to 100%. Just casually working through the checklist now doing all the little events/random occurrences.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
I'm about 85% complete, collected all the spaceship parts and letter scraps, so no more S&F now until I get to 100%. Just casually working through the checklist now doing all the little events/random occurrences.

That's my plan now, finding all scraps and bits and getting 100%!
  clio 182 black /gold
I started to play the game on the day of release. Granted there was days i never touched it. I finished the story board yesterday. It finished a bit quick. LOL. I chose to save all characters and do the suicide mission. :). It was easyish in places. They only real time i struggled was the flying parts. Has anyone done 100% of the game? There is still 48 stunt jumps to do. Every time i do one it says failed. No idea how to do them.


ClioSport Club Member
  VRS 245
I'm on about 80% and can't find anything else to do apart from collect bits and pieces.

How do you get to do that weird clan s**t with Michael?
Not played the game for a few weeks because a little bored now.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Do the epsilon questionnaire online then a ? will show on a dirt track in the north west and then carry on

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
You also need to collect all the scraps/space ship parts to finish off two more strangers and freaks missions.

Then you've got the random occurrences, the little side quests for the properties you buy and all the races/sports events including a killer triathlon across nearly the entire map.
I've not played this in ages, it's not as good as 4 was IMO.

that surprises me, I was bored of 4 very quickly, keep going back to 5. Helps that I don't have time to play it every day I guess, but it's hilarious playing online still


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
Finished the "main missions" on Wednesday night. Enjoyed the game tbh though can't see myself playing it for much longer.

Got The Last of Us and Uncharted 3 to start and finish now before PS4 comes along.
  Ph 1 172
Well I've just got a few more things to do and I'm 100% space ship parts, nuclear waste parts and a few races and I'm done.... Is there any news on single player dlc yet?
  BG Clio 182
Just completed the main storyline missions the first GTA story that i have actually stuck with to the end.


ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo C30
Did the final triathlon at the weekend. Didn't realise how long it was,

If anyone hasn't done it, you need half an hour. Ridiculous.


ClioSport Club Member
Finished the main story line on Sunday and it's taken me hours!! Going to do the assassination missions and get mega rich this week but can't see myself completing much more of the game.
  BG Clio 182
Finished the main story line on Sunday and it's taken me hours!! Going to do the assassination missions and get mega rich this week but can't see myself completing much more of the game.

Same for me think ill do the assassination missions get mega rich buy a few cars etc.. and then call it a day on the SP. And then get stuck back into GTA online.
