I want it, but I never get to play games anymore. The Mrs doesn't work nights any more and I have to watch eastenders and other soaps and its not fair. Is there something I can do other than kill her?
Play when she goes to bed?
I want it, but I never get to play games anymore. The Mrs doesn't work nights any more and I have to watch eastenders and other soaps and its not fair. Is there something I can do other than kill her?
The one thing (Well, one of) which let GTA IV down was the filter they used. Very grim and pale looking. The Ballad Of Gay Tony was superb, even as a DLC. Much more alive and colourful.
Rumours on the GTA boards from clues in the trailer that the release date could be May 24th 2012.
24th of May is a rumoured date...
"2405" can be seen alot on that trailer, Subliminal messages FTW
Come on, who honestly thought this trailer would be anything less than amazing.
I wonder if we're getting a load of trailers like we did for IV? That was infuriating. And also broke the internet.
You can see from this image alone the level of depth graphically and how it's improved from GTA IV. It looks more realistic and dimensional.
That's not a gameplay shot though, theatrical games always make trailers look so much better.