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Grand Theft Auto V

The anonymous guy who posted the list on the previous page has produced this; still very dubious TBH.

one of the new friend activities, hiking. You can spot bigfoot on hikes, but you notice it, the friends and player don't, and it's impossible to get close to it and you can't use weapons on friend activities and should not carry them unless you need or might need them. Injuries can occur to your friends, they can be airlifted. Then you have to pick them up at the hospital. It's all very much like IV's friend system, but expanded and branched off in more ways, each thing is more interactive. Like, instead of "Roman is hurt" and the activity being over, you call for help and can stay until it arrives or go. It is used in a story mission where you gotta decide to wait with an accomplice or leave them. It's the big one. The blimp is destructible, you can fly it, it's insane when it goes down. Better than the smoke from the yacht on BoGT when you blow it up. The one in the trailer is actually static right now set there to guarantee the shots with it would be perfect. You can buy properties. Streets not only have names, they also have street numbers for buildings. Crop dusting is a mission to destroy someone's crops, but they do it sometimes in off-mission for environment effects sometimes, like planes used to fly around without a purpose in SA, now some of them you see their purpose. Following a helicopter will trigger it to land on helipads, at the airport etc, much like cars sometimes park and the passenger gets out. Except now the cars and planes do it when you are following them, no more peds completely aimless driving over the same paths over and over, the computer will make something happen instead of drive in circles. The video is with console settings and the game is still WIP. The PC version is going to support DX11 features, but might still have DX9 mode as an option for high end DX9 machines. The voice in the trailer is not the protagonist. Neither is any of the other people in the trailer. The next trailer reveals a new location and is narrated by another character. Don't know when it starts, but the media campaign for this one is going to be huge. RDR/LA Noire type promotion, all kinds of making-of, interviews, and new tech to show off. The visuals in the game support more effects than the UDK and look as good as, if not better, than BF3. With good reason. All the upgrades to the engine for the other games is cute compared to the stuff you see in the trailer. Height based fog, the smog looks so good. Stable fit shadows. The cars now have a much improved shader, particularly the reflections that really seem like the paint they are. Older cars, industrial cars and dirty cars have foggier bumpier reflections, sleek new sports cars have waxed finishes. Niko is in the game, but on the TV. James Pedeaston is the V version of the IV serial killer in the news and side missions, it's the next level of creepy above from that guy, and his story is directly in the story this time, not a side mission/random encounter. Oh, and interiors are incredibly dense, many buildings enterable for robberies and stuff. Mayan Prophesy is the Epsilon Project and it's about a lot more than the Mayan Prophesy or 2012, it's about a lot of stuff. Internet is immense with the ability to visit a few real sites that update as you play, resulting in access to more areas of the real internet sites. There are fake sites like IV, too. Almost all of the old sites return, bringing connection to LC that it's all one world with the same internet. The one site I know for a fact doesn't return at first is "What they do not want you to know" site that was for LC cheats. You go there at one point in the game and it says it has been shutdown and seized by the FBI and you get a 4 star wanted level which is FBI, NSA is 5, National Guard is 6. Later, near the completion of the game, it comes back online and has valuable information for the story, along with a lot of information for secrets in San Andreas.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
I have been on GTA 4 last night and this morning. I love it but that game is so flawed it's unreal. Roll on when my broadband switches on and I can look for an update for it.
The fact they have Griffith Observatory has made me happy - amazing place.

Can see it being a great spot for the people that like to use the Sniper Rifle!
They seem to just be discussing the same things over and over on the forum. Rumours that some news will arise in a couple of weeks, and possibly a new trailer in January. But it's all just speculation atm. That's what I've found, anyway.
  Goliath I
Word on the street is new info to be released soon...

Responding to questions on its official website, a Rockstar source said that the developers are working hard on the title and that more details will be revealed in a "few months time".

"Right now, we are very hard at work on the game and are excited as well to show and tell you more as development progresses - expect that we'll be talking much more about GTAV starting at some point in a few months' time."

Rockstar also reiterated the fact that Grand Theft Auto V will be its "largest and most ambitious" game to date.

"Grand Theft Auto V is set in the city of Los Santos and its surrounding hills, countryside and beaches - and it will be the largest and most ambitious open world game we've ever created…"

Grand Theft Auto V was announced last October, with the debut trailer going live a week later.

Release dates or platforms are yet to be announced, although some analysts have predicted a summer launch for the title.

The game's lead character is thought to be a man named Albert De Silva, played by Ned Luke.
Anyone reckon this will be as much as a ballache to run on pc as GTA IV? my laptop plays with MW3 on full graphics without a judder yet on gta i struggle to move the car lol
  Goliath I
Word on the street is a 2013 release...

Analyst group Sterne Agee has shifted its expectations for the release date of Rockstar's upcoming Grand Theft Auto V, stating that the game is now more likely to launch at the start of next year than later this year as previously thought.

Rockstar officially unveiled GTA V late last year, although no fixed release date has yet been provided. Sterne Agee analyst Arvind Bhatia had previously said that the title could well see sales of up to 25 million units within its first year on sale.

The group had previously stated that it believes the highly anticipated next in the GTA series will launch in the third quarter of the current fiscal year, just before Christmas. However, Bhatia has now stated that a March 2013 release is more likely.

The analyst has even noted that a March release would be more beneficial for the title, as it will then launch in a less crowded window away from the next installments of Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed.

He also suggested that a 2013 release will leave the potential for a Nintendo Wii U launch for the game, while giving Rockstar more time to polish up the final product.

Obviously this is all speculation (as everything with GTA is at the moment) but then, it does make sense.
  Punto/Clio GTT
Anyone reckon this will be as much as a ballache to run on pc as GTA IV? my laptop plays with MW3 on full graphics without a judder yet on gta i struggle to move the car lol

is that a dodgy copy or genuine? you need certain patches to drive the car or it judders as you say
I don't think it matters what day it comes out or what is released around it. It will be the biggest selling game by far.

COD/AC would prefer it to be out of their way. But Rockstar don't need to worry either way.

The sooner the better TBH.
As much as I want to, I can't see GTA V arriving this generation.

When the next generation is though is anybodies guess. Mid-late 2013 maybe.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Xbox aren't even unveiling anything to do with their next generation console at E3, so that puts the release date for that at least 2 years away.

GTA V will be on this generation of consoles
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Can't see that being genuine. If it is, they've done incredibly well to keep it under wraps for this long with a potential release only 6 or so months away.
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
Gamestation were taking Pre Orders I noticed when I popped in to look @ a 3DS earlier today. Didnt ask or get a date.

October appears to be the date all over the Net?
