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Grand Theft Auto V


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Going to have to look at that because it's way too small for me!

Shooting from the car is easy... shooting from the car whilst driving? Hardest thing in the whole game! 18 fingers required!


ClioSport Club Member
Mates at work have been talking about this game today so I may have to give in and purchase. It sounds pretty awesome.


ClioSport Club Member
I bought the smg too, climbed up a big building and started picking people off. A few dead cops later and i've got a police helicopter on my ass. I managed to shoot it down and shortly after i had another one. Queue a SWAT team rapelling down rope from another helicopter to kick my ass. I jumped off the building - those c***s were'n't taking me alive.


ClioSport Club Member
I still can't get over how big the game is!
I drove up a mountain path in an off road buggy, got pretty high and saw 2 people hiking (rucksacks and poles etc) and accidentally on purpose ran them over. A few mins later the radio news had a report of 2 missing hikers!


ClioSport Club Member
  VRS 245
I've not even been up the mountain yet, fack!

Got a list of things to do when I get home, lol.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Assuming there's no reason for me to DL iFruit until I get xbox live/Internet back right?

As the game won't update.

I've done all the gun challenges at the shooting range with F to get his skill level up.

Plan is to just cruise about searching and making my character harder before doing many missions!

Anyone been able to trade stocks yet?


Gally, nah Los Customs garage or whatever it's called, when I was modding a car.

Luke, you get the stock trading as part of a mission with Michael I think it is.


ClioSport Club Member
I've bought some shares, can't remember in what yet though. Not sure if it is just luck or there is some way of goign by the news on the radio?? or soemthing?
I thought parking it in his garage did that?

Nah, the player's default car always appears on their driveway, anything you put in the garage then always appears in the garage again.

I like how the garages no longer only hold a certain amount of cars, if you can fit it in it stays there.
  Ph 1 172
I've bought some shares, can't remember in what yet though. Not sure if it is just luck or there is some way of goign by the news on the radio?? or soemthing?

It's not luck from what I can figure out but I'm sure there is a system to be worked
Reason why I think this is in spoiler tag but warning there is a couple of things to do with missions in the tag
couple of missions i have done such as the lifeinvader and redwood cigarette affect the stock market massively causing stocks to reduce in price greatly, these eventually start to rise again gaining you a fair chunk of money depending on how many shares you bought obviously. I noticed on the heist level as well that you have to rob a company of there vans and hijack another van this all reduced the stocks in the companies that are involved and on the stock list


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
Been playing this on my mates PS3, its awesome. Now i want to buy my own PS3, just for this game....


ClioSport Club Member
It's not luck from what I can figure out but I'm sure there is a system to be worked
Reason why I think this is in spoiler tag but warning there is a couple of things to do with missions in the tag

Makes sense. If your mission involves a company you got shares in, sell them do the mission and buy at a low low price after. winner.

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
I'll have to get my head around it all

Anyone understand the opening mission too? What happened to Michael etc?


ClioSport Club Member
  182 FF
Loving this game so far. Only done a couple of missions so far. Some of the stunt jumps in the hills are ginormous!


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
I've done f**k all other that punch people, get a beard and chase after a goat up a mountain. Turns out it wasn't a goat, but a mountain lion. Didn't end well.
  Edition 30
Anyone used the BF injection?

Its virtually indestructible and fast up the mountains! Reminds me of being on the beach on vice city.
