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Beauvais Motorsport

ClioSport Club Member
Just bought a fractal terra (mini itx) case, but now Im thinking of waiting and doing the build close to the release to get the best performance for cost ratio at the time. Still a while away but honestly gta is probably the best open world game ever made, worth the wait imo.
Considering it might be a 2 year wait, you could build a Pc now and look at upgrading the graphics card when the game is released?
A decent CPU and amount of RAM today will still be decent in a couple of years, and easily enough for gaming.

I couldn't wait and hopefully have everything coming by friday to build. All in a mini itx case!

i9 14900k
4070 ti super
64gb ddr5 6000mhz
1tb Samsung 990 pro m.2
Asus rog B-760-I


ClioSport Club Member
Release date of Fall 2025 given. Now I don't understand these American terms, but is that 18 months?

So more like December 2025 or spring 2026?


ClioSport Club Member
Isn't fall their autumn? So likely to be October/November 2025? Sure October is when the bigger games come out? They will want it ready for Christmas.
That is what I'm saying, got to be at least a 3 month delay. They won't dare risk delivering this full of bugs.


ClioSport Club Member
That is what I'm saying, got to be at least a 3 month delay. They won't dare risk delivering this full of bugs.

I'll be surprised if it isn't full of bugs because all big games seem to come like that these days but Rockstar maybe an exception so we can hope.


ClioSport Club Member
They could probably get away with a fair number of bugs, if they released the single player game first.
RDR2 did that I think? The multiplayer mode came along later.

Bugs get more problematic in multiplayer mode, where people use them to gain an advantage.
