Well... bored out of my mind.... back seemed a little loser today so with tablets down me, i got in me car and headed out on the dry road.,...
SHORT FEKING LIVED! - it started raining.
go round the corner... let a car cross the road...
i accelerate to 44mph, this green man pops out from behind a sign like a feking mental patient and yes its a copper!
i turned round.. noticed he was writing my number plate down.. otherwise i woulda carried on.
"step out the car please sir"
um... its raining, cant i stay in the car?
"step out the car please sir"
"drivers license?"
(give it to him)
"u realise u accelerated from 0-50mph and back to 44 in just 23 meters from a standing point? - do u know what the speed limit along this road is?"
(wow! i said thats some grip on the road - jokingly - 30mph innit?)
"yes thats right, so why were u doing 14 over. do u have an explination for ur speeding?"
(the footy is about to start... and its raining)
"sure its not that the car is too powerful for you?"
LOLOLOLOL god what a r****d
so he writes me out a ticket.... got to go to parish hall on 12th of this month to get my fine doh! and its £5 every 1mph speeding.. so its £70 as it was a 30 zone
he also showed me the speed camera... quiet a cool bit of kit actually...
after phning my mate... he told me i should have asked to see the calibration certificate for the speed camera, to show if it had been calibrated within the last 24 hours...
if he couldnt produce that, then i could have got off
oh well. knew i shouldnt have gone driving!