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How many splitters have you had on your 182?

  Clio 182
Hi everyone,

Finally picking up my cup-packed 182 tomorrow. First thing on my list is to replace the front splitter that is missing, dependant on clearance when driving onto my drive. Living on a new estate complete with high curbs and unsurfaced roads atm :(

So just wondering how many splitters have you cracked, chipped, snapped, shattered etc etc?
  172 cup
my car came with a cracked splitter, I just used araldite as recommended on this forum to fix it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Depends. If its lowered you might catch it here and there, had about three over the years, if its standard, its nay bother. Why they didnt make them rubber like the 197 i'll never know!
