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I Phone And I Phone 3G?

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Im a noob with iphones so bare with me! What are the main differences between the iphone and the iphone 3g? as the 3g ones seem to cost alot more than normal iphones? Can the normal iphone still browse the internet etc? what is 3g? do vodaphone offer a 3g service? Any info would be great! (sorry about the bunched up paragraph my return key has stopped working)
  182 RB FF
Hey man,

Normal Iphone still has the internet just alot slower than the one with 3G (aslong as you have a 3G signal, which is most places). Also can view Youtube videos with a 3G signal aswell as buy songs/apps.

Vodaphone would offer the 3G service to other phones but unsure on the unlocking of the iPhone.

  S2 106 GTI
I have a 3G iphone working on vodaphone at this very moment! it will ring/txt etc... but for some reason I can't get the internet to load up on it - thinbk i need it jailbreaking to make it work but unsure???

I just use a Gevey sim underneath my voda sim
  S2 106 GTI
it unlocks the ipod :) but not to the full potential, but does the job! you can buy them off ebay, any sim will work in it.
