hi people newbee here, iv been looking on cliosport for about a week now and fell in love with the 182. so i went and got myself a loan and finally looked at one in Black/Gold 2day (stunning). i currently own a maxed 1.2<< corsa, so when the guy said i could have a test drive i was rather happy. I put my foot down straight away (OH MY GOD) it was an animal absolutely awsome . As it happens the clio had done 21300 miles on a 04 plate (£9250) and had it fair share of scuffs on it. so i opted out on this 1. So im looking for a 182 black/gold with both Cup packs. oh and thanks for the people who suggested bell.co.uk for insurance, i got it for £1800 or around that fully comp. im 19 with 2yrs NCB. loving the site. cya..