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induction kits on a 2000 mk2 ph1 1.4i sport

  Mk2 clio sport
I am new to clio sport and i am currently looking into getting a 1.4i sport from a mate who only wants £2k for it. I am most probably going to get a piperx viper for it but i have seen a few threads about the 1.4 sport has a different air box to most other clio mk2's. Is there any way of putting a viper onto the car or do i need to just put up with a k&n bolt on thing . WOuld a pannel filter have any decent effect on power?

I am more interested in sound to be honest
M1TCH's car sounds the dogs chunkies in the video.

I would probably be after something like that

sorry for the essay
Any help appreciated
  Golf GTI 1.8T
wouldnt bother spending out for the viper tbh, not sure if you can even get one for our engine. I know piperX dont make a normal one for it cso I sent theirs back!

K&N does me fine for the noise and is cheap. not sure if it is doing much performance wise but then I'm not fussed.
  Mk2 clio sport
Have you had chance to sort a heat shield out for it and a decent cold air feed?

the only problem i could see is flat spots when pulling off the line where there is little cold air for the filter to breathe in

Btw does your car have a standard exhaust?


Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Ive got a piperx for mine, sounds great but Ive not had it fitted for ages :( because the airbox holds the throttle body on there isnt any scope for a viper style ik. Also never found anyone who made a panel filter for our engine either
  Mégane RS
The only company i found that do one for our engines are Green, they make a model called the dynatwist, i've got a k&n myself and a big feed
  Golf GTI 1.8T
i need to sort out my engine, give a little clean up yesterday but i need a proper feed from underneath the car.

and yeah also need to make a heat sheild for it too. one day...

got standard exhaust with a little bit of a blow ;) from the back box, which makes it sound a bit better. ermm dont seem to get any flats spots, but it does gorm if your heavy on the clutch. :D
  Mk2 clio sport
Well all i have to do is

1. buy the car :)
2. buy the induction kit
3. Spend a few hours swearing and getting angry fitting it
4. Go for a spin to pi55 the neighbours off :evil:

sounds like a good days work

i am debating at the moment which exhaust to fit on if any i like the look of the k-tech ones then at least i know they are quality not like some of the crap i have seen done by the local powerflow monkeys

on the subject of heatshields the one i made for my corsa was done with metal cover from an old dvd player lol........worked a treat, untill i realised the car was naturally slow :D

  Golf GTI 1.8T
lol!! apparently I made the word up. Can't beleive nobodys heard it before, we use it all the time round here. Its the deepest notes you get from the IK/Exhaust. Well in my eyes it is!

whats this about hours to fit?? :S

took me 10 mins max!

how many miles the car got cos thats bloody cheap!
  Mk2 clio sport
haha i have an affinity for making things take longer and get more complicated than need be..

thinking about it gorm is kinda similar to the sound the car would make lol top stuff

erm its got around 54k. my mates dad bought for him as his first car. It had minor crash damage which consisted of a scuffed bumper a dented door and scratched front wing so he fixed it up but apparently its too fast or summat silly or uses too much fuel. so i said i would sadly take it off his hands :) plus im sick of being beaten off the line in my corsa


a vistit to ktec would be in order when i get it though
  Golf GTI 1.8T
Thats cheap then! Mines just got to 48k :S

it doesn't seem to have the best fuel eco but its pretty nippy in 2nd and 3rd:D
  Mk2 clio sport
Im not overly worried about it using too much fuel my corsa is a 1.4 too and with the induction kit on it can drink a fair bit

Although its an 8 valve its got pretty good performance (well compared to my current car)

i dont get how it can be so much faster as my corsa is a 1.4 8v too and it gets pi55ed over by it

I had a thread up about this a while back, the bestb thing i think yo can do is probably get a custom one made. Expensive though

About the flat spots, mine did it really bad and some times the revs dont go up when ya put ya foot to the floor, a mechanic sorted it for me he said it was the way the airbox sits on the throttle bodie or someit like that but it is starting to do it again!! :S
  Monaco Blue Mk2
Mitch/Vinny. Any chance of a picture of your induction kit/air feeds and possibly a link to one on the internet that fits.
  2.0 16v 172 mk2
I have a mk2 1.2,with a pipercross induction kit and it sounds pretty beefy for a 1.2,see if you can get one for your sport clio, go to and fill in the make and model.It also gives diagrams of befor and after pics.It dosnt cost as much as a viper but still dose the same job.:)
  Mk2 clio sport
Hmm i was thinking about getting a custom one done. There is a place near me that does powerflow exhausts and they have a shop called cruze control that did a custom jobbie for my mates mini, so will have to give them a visit and see what they can do

i think the bolt on top filter is a good idea because coupled with a bonnet vent its going to get a lot of cold air

and sorry to go off topic a bit. How well would the sport respond to chipping?
as they are a 1.4 8v spi arent they

  Mk2 clio sport
A throttle body injection (single-point, SP) uses one (or more) injector at a central point before the gas is getting to the cylinders via the inlet manifold. A multipoint (MP) injection system uses one injector per cylinder; the injector is located at the end of the inlet manifold or the head.

The prime difference between the two systems is:
The SP system has a small hesitation between gear changes. This is the result of the manifold going "dry" when the throttle is taken back. This hesitation can be eliminated with a "throttle damper": A device which doesn't allow the throttle to close completely during gear changes.
The SP system is much cheaper, because it uses only one or two injectors.

taken from perfect
  Mégane RS
yeah but which model is which?

are all the mk2's MPI? or does it vary from model ie 1.4S 1.4RT 1.4RN etc?
  Mégane RS
Cheers John, anyways heres a pic of my feed and ik

  Mk2 clio sport
Thinking about it does anyone know any decent custom places to get an induction kit done? possibly with a website
  Mk2 clio sport
Vinny is that on a 1.4 sport?

and does that setup do you well eg nice loud roar power etc

also what make is the filter?
  Mk2 clio sport
I doubt it would be worth it but i was thinking of supplying the filter and getting them to fabricate some type of relocation pipe to behind the headlight or something similar
  Mk2 clio sport
looks good nice and tidy job you did there
How much did the full setup cost then including filter hose and air scoop?
  Mk2 clio sport
lol looks better imho might get the cold air piping from ebay as they have 10 metres of 102diametre stuff for $13 (sorry for dollar sign pound dont work)

and then relocate the spotlights at the front and run 2 air feeds
or one from each wheel arch
  Mégane RS
yeah you can run them from the fog light, you can get something like this and run them from these, they are originaly brake cooling ducts but could be used to ram air in

  Mk2 clio sport
yeah i was thinking something like that. Did you make those or buy them, i seem to remember a webstie that sold loads of stuff to do with inducion kits and filters they had all the ducting hoses and scoops like those
  Mégane RS
they are made out of fibre glass i think and would come in very handy to run a pipe up to the IK
  Mk2 clio sport
Yeah and they are in the best place to get the coldest air that being around 4-10 inches from the surface of the road (usually)

a pair of them coupled with a decent heat shield and the bonnet propped up at the back would make a pretty good induction set up
