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Insurance quotes half in price when i move to uni..

  57 Ibiza Formula Sport
just got some quotes from a few websites for my ford ka when i move to uni in middlesborough (which i didnt think was a better area than blackburn?!) and my insurance goes from £950 to £ the hell does that work?!

also got a quote for a 172, £1400 when im at uni with 0 yrs no claims and im a 19 yr old female, when im back at home..£3500 lol!

  Mk2 Golf GTI
That's b;loody cheap!

I got a quote with 2 years no claims at 20 and it was about £2500 on a 172
  57 Ibiza Formula Sport
spirez said:
That's b;loody cheap!

I got a quote with 2 years no claims at 20 and it was about £2500 on a 172
yeah.. must be classed as a really good area! it's TS17 6BH if anyone wants to try..
  No more clio's for me!
Is that uni halls or a student pad in middlesborough?

500 quid a year ain't bad for a tin can....i mean KA. lol ;)

*550 quid fully comp at 22 on a 172!* :approve:
  57 Ibiza Formula Sport
dannyboy172 said:
Is that uni halls or a student pad in middlesborough?

500 quid a year ain't bad for a tin can....i mean KA. lol ;)

*550 quid fully comp at 22 on a 172!* :approve:
Uni halls danny, and it aint a tin can thankyou very much :)
