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iPhone 3GS VS BlackBerry Bold - Fight.

Which is better?

  • Total voters


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Right a few people seem to think the Bold is some wondrous super phone that eclipses the iPhone.

My recent experiences with RIM products leads me to think that these statements aren't true. But despite this certain people keep insisting they are awesome.

So why is this?
Re: iPhone VS Bold - Fight.

BB's are for people who can't afford the iPhone or just want to buck the trend and not have the best phone.

Best of luck to them. Some people are just intellectually challenged.


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Re: iPhone VS Bold - Fight.




ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Re: iPhone VS Bold - Fight.

Its kinda what i think too but i genuinely want to find out why "it runs rings around an iphone as a conventional phone"
  Citroen DS3 White
Re: iPhone VS BlackBerry Bold - Fight.

I have both, Bold for Work, iPhone (32 GS) for me.

iPhone super pwns.

Re: iPhone VS BlackBerry Bold - Fight.

iPhone. And that comes from a BB user. Although I do have the Storm which is like having a 1996 pda.

All my friends have Bolds and don't have a single problem however, plus we have BB chat.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Re: iPhone VS BlackBerry Bold - Fight.

Oh the pin thing.

Yeah thats dead handy when all your mates are using proper IM.
Re: iPhone VS BlackBerry Bold - Fight.

It's free. Plus the BB has had bluetooth since launch.

The iPhone 1st gen was a failure in so many ways. It was just a good browser with apps for kids. s**t camera, s**t battery, no copy and paste, no data bluetooth and no MMS (WTF). The currentl iPhone ad always amuses me; "now with copy and paste, amazing!". Yeah, my N95 had that three years ago.

However, the newest version I would buy. Once I sell this piece of s**t they call a touchscreen phone.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
why they decided the storm was a good idea i do not know. its dreadful.
For the phones you have stated in the poll, it will be a landslide to the iPhone. And I don't think you can compare them either. If the Storm 2 is ever released, that would be a more fair comparison. Like comparing the iPhone 2G and the Storm.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
I'm comparing them.

Similar Values, Similar Spec, Similar Features.
Then iPhone, as my vote shows. Large touchscreen for browser and mapping vs small non touch screen. Decent apps that are just quite cool and endless. Similar camera, battery life, charge time etc. No comparison.

With the updates to usability such as bluetooth, speed, copy/paste, MMS and so on there is nothing out there that comes close . . . yet (pre ;)).
  1.2 16v Dynamique
iPhone, and I'm a BB user. If I didn't have stupidly large fingers that make me struggle with touch screen phones then I would have one
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
I've played with the BB Bold a bit and own a 3GS, no doubt about it, iPhone all the way.

I always get the impression BB owners explain why their phone is "better" than an iPhone just to justify why they got it.


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
i had a good long play with the iPasch last nite. It's very impressive as a device. But i'd break it in 5mins!
  Bus w**ker
FLOL I was just having a piss and sensed this thread was coming.

Personally I hate the iPhone. It's a pure touch screen phone, simple as that. Can I afford one? Easily. Do I want one, not in the slightest.

I can see the merits of them, they have a few nice features, screen size for a start although that has the disadvantage of device size to counter it, but with the exception, as previously stated, of Photoswap I can't think of anything that an iPhone can do that a BB can't. I could be missing out on something, I've not touched an iPhone since 1st gen and I have no want or desire to either, TBH.

There's no arguement for or against either device IMHO, both do the same thing. If you have to justify the phone you bought to fit in with a social group, fashion or the size of your member then feel free...but I'm 28 and just want a phone that does what I want, not what others think I should own. ;)

End of the day...I want a iN97 Tour. That would be one hell of a phone.
I'm comparing them.

Similar Values, Similar Spec, Similar Features.

For me (user of internet all day, maps when driving, maps when walking, would use too many of the apps to name on here and just general other media benefits) then iPhone.

For my father, BB as he won't use the touchscreen, internet or maps.

Media phone vs business phone (Where the Storm went wrong, trying to mix the two).
  330i. E30 Touring.
Re: iPhone VS Bold - Fight.

Its kinda what i think too but i genuinely want to find out why "it runs rings around an iphone as a conventional phone"


Texting on an iPhone is more frustrating than trying to have a decent conversation with Jodie Marsh.. Granted, it's improved with the latest update and it being able to text landscape now. Being that I send about 5k texts a month, there was no other choice.

Everything else, the iPhone pwns.

When my contract runs out, I'll get an iPhone. x
Re: iPhone VS Bold - Fight.


Texting on an iPhone is more frustrating than trying to have a decent conversation with Jodie Marsh.. Granted, it's improved with the latest update and it being able to text landscape now. Being that I send about 5k texts a month, there was no other choice.

Everything else, the iPhone pwns.

When my contract runs out, I'll get an iPhone. x

That is quite a good point, watching a friend text on his iPhone is quite amusing. The easy type BB function is very good and way ahead of the iPhone.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
FLOL I was just having a piss and sensed this thread was coming.

Personally I hate the iPhone. It's a pure touch screen phone, simple as that. Can I afford one? Easily. Do I want one, not in the slightest.

I can see the merits of them, they have a few nice features, screen size for a start although that has the disadvantage of device size to counter it, but with the exception, as previously stated, of Photoswap I can't think of anything that an iPhone can do that a BB can't. I could be missing out on something, I've not touched an iPhone since 1st gen and I have no want or desire to either, TBH.

There's no arguement for or against either device IMHO, both do the same thing. If you have to justify the phone you bought to fit in with a social group, fashion or the size of your member then feel free...but I'm 28 and just want a phone that does what I want, not what others think I should own. ;)

End of the day...I want a iN97 Tour. That would be one hell of a phone.

All i need.


  Ph1 172 and Red 197
Re: iPhone VS Bold - Fight.

BB's are for people who can't afford the iPhone or just want to buck the trend and not have the best phone.

Best of luck to them. Some people are just intellectually challenged.

Right in so many ways!!

Id compare it to the Boxter vs 911 thing;)

Any 1 know if O2 do free upgrade from old 3G to 3GS bring on January

(P.S Jailbrake it and make it even better)


  MK7 GTD & Mini GP
I think they are both very different phones, aimed at different market.

Not comparable.

As a messaging tool, the blackberry is far more advanced and has loads more options. It is easier to text and email (nobody with an iphone can possibly say using that no feel touch screen is great). It is better for phone calls too, speaker and loud speakers are much better IMO.

But, the iphone is great when you are bored, it is built for games and applications.

To use everyday, to carry about using as a phone. the berry is a better phone.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

i use an iPhone for work and play.
Syncs with my work exchange account without issue and i regularly respond to emails on the device.

What options does the BB have over the iPhone?
  330i. E30 Touring.
How often would most people use the features of an iPhone which excel, over standard features though?

When you're in a pub, with your mates, maybe twice a week?

Texts and calls, all day, everyday.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I have a bold and the iphone is a great leap forward in technology but I don't want a touchscreen.

The storm like I stated before is BB's first venture into touch screen, why would it be perfect? I give you 1st gen iphone vs storm both have faults.

I might be wrong but the next new full touchscreen handset from BB could be very very good.
  Titanium 182
I have an iphone and I think its brilliant but I can't stand the "lovers" and "haters" of different devices. I especially cannot stomach the apple fanboys, they need to get a life ;)


Will you ever shut up about how "amazing" the iphone is? Its so boring now
FailBerry TBH. I hear so many people rave about how good they are when they're working, yet so many people slate it when they're broken or there's something gone wrong. Plus the iPasch into iTunes and it'll probably fix itself!

All devices have their faults, and there's probably a couple with the iPhone 3GS. But for browsing, music, video, texting, in fact everything - iKnow I made the right choice getting the iPhone. And if it f**ks, they'll give you a new handset if you pop to the 'tards at the Genius Bar. Win!
  Audi TT
BB for me. O2 is shite reception where I am and I love my Bold. Does everything I want it to and more. Screen is mint for watching films, decent audio player, texting, emails, PIN, MSN etc are a doddle.

WTF is the new iphone advert on bragging about cut and paste?!? WTF wow that's a wicked idea! Why didn't anyone else think of that. No wait....

iPhone is IMHO is a fashion item that everyone seems to want to jump on the bandwagon of. I'll be sticking with my Bold till contract runs out then seeing what options are about then but I think I'll be heading to another RIM product as by then V5 of the OS will be out.

I'm not a RIM fanboy. The Bold is the first BB I've had and before that I was strictly Nokia but after a lot of looking about and testing phones I went for what I felt was the best phone for my needs and it was the Bold.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
This is my first BB and i've been overly surprised how ell they have moved away from business side only ito the consumer market.

The bold is a great phone it has to be said.


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
All the fanboys, on both sides, are planks. It's a phone FFS. The 3gs has the best touchscreen I've ever used. But, it's still less responsive than a keypad. The battery life is annoying. And I'm certain I'll develop epic arthritis from browsing by the age of 40.
As a phone (ie for making calls and texting) it's average. It's the apps etc that elevate it IMO.
  Titanium 182
All the fanboys, on both sides, are planks. It's a phone FFS. The 3gs has the best touchscreen I've ever used. But, it's still less responsive than a keypad. The battery life is annoying. And I'm certain I'll develop epic arthritis from browsing by the age of 40.
As a phone (ie for making calls and texting) it's average. It's the apps etc that elevate it IMO.

No idea what O2 reception is like, but Voda is s**t by my way. Although I can't get through to a mate about 10 mins down the road on his iPhail 2G.
I had a play on a 3GS thingymabob in the apple store a few weeks back. The salesman was saying how it now had copy and paste, I told him that my phones have had that since like the year 2004.

I couldn't find any advantage of it over my c905. Pain in the ass to use, though you would get used to it obviously. Although, I use my phone to text and make calls and that's it pretty much. I know some people don't have a life and need to be in contact with the internet to get on forums, facebook, instant messaging, email etc etc, but then that's what apple aimed it at - geeks. Anyone that gets excited over a phone needs to get out a bit more.

Who cares who has the best phone? Girls won't care. But then you're scared of girls... aren't ya.
