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iPhone 3GS VS BlackBerry Bold - Fight.

Which is better?

  • Total voters
hmmm iPhone, was a sceptic but had a 3gs for a few weeks now, what can I say...

Plays Worms!
By the minute share updates (am sure BB has this)
Plays music in my car and on the move.
Can go for a cycle, finish and have a map of my route and speeds.
Flight Control!
Web surfing is a breeze, don't turn on my PC half as much now.
Great for watching video...

I'm sure there's an endless list of things...

What app do you use for this? I have seen a couple in the app store but have not come across any decent reviews.
Cheers. Will give it a shot. I loved the features of the Nokia Sport tracker and have just been swapping my sim into the old N82 for cycling/ running up till now.


I have both and agree with the comments that iPhone is the better media phone and the BB Bold is the better business phone.


ClioSport Club Member
Voted BB as for what I use a device for (business/enterprise stuff) it wins hands down.

As an enterprise device the BlackBerry pisses all over the iPhone, but can see how for a non corporate type usage the iPhone would be preferred, it's more like a toy :)

BB wins due to things like encryption out of the box, centralised management, CESG approval etc.

Give an iPhone better security, some sort of management system and an easy way to provision them en masse/remotely and you'll have people flocking :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Re: iPhone VS Bold - Fight.

My mates all use BlackBerrys and constantly take the piss out of my iPhone calling it s**t. They dont have a business? They are, like me, in there late teens. For us, the iPhone wins hands down!

Bloody jealous CrapBerry owners :)
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I used my Dad's BB recently and it may be great for email etc but the OS is a disaster to navigate around and configure plus visually it looks very basic. The iPhone OS interface is far superior.
  Audi TT
piece of piss to navigate the OS and to configure it. Some great themes for them as well which make them look mint.

What BB was it and was it running standard theme?

iPhone OS superior? Oh relly. Multi tasking on the iphone FTL!


ClioSport Club Member
Have to laugh at os a disaster to navigate, what BB doe she have out of interest? Couldn't really be any easier imho.
  2014 Focus Titanium
I prefer iPhones because it is an all in one piece of kit, it is my:

- Phone
- Email device
- Diary (can BB's sync multiple google calendars? Nope just iPhones!)
- Golf GPS Device (the nearest on the market is £300 and no where near as detailed)
- mobile TV
- Control of my Media PC (using win remote it controls keyboard and mouse)
- Sky Remote
- Sat Nav
- Car music player
- Free message device (using Ping!)

and soon it will be my remote for everything IR and connected to my network in my house.

I like iPhones cos I'm a geek and I like techy stuff. I'm sure the BB is a great phone, but I want a phone that does as much as it possibly can do to a) save me carrying around 15 different devices around with me, b) costing me losts of money to buy different devices.

For me, paying £87.11 for the phone is a pittance because I have directly saved money for the stuff I use it with (Golf GPS, SatNav, Google Calendar software, MP3 player for my car, wireless keyboard and mouse for my Media Centre).

Not knocking the BB at all, just for me its not as good as the iPhone.
  Audi TT
Pretty sure the BB will do all of the above mate. I don't have multiple gmail calenders but it will sync facebook ones and I believe hotmail and gmail etc....
