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iPhone 3GS VS BlackBerry Bold - Fight.

Which is better?

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I had a play on a 3GS thingymabob in the apple store a few weeks back. The salesman was saying how it now had copy and paste, I told him that my phones have had that since like the year 2004.

I couldn't find any advantage of it over my c905. Pain in the ass to use, though you would get used to it obviously. Although, I use my phone to text and make calls and that's it pretty much. I know some people don't have a life and need to be in contact with the internet to get on forums, facebook, instant messaging, email etc etc, but then that's what apple aimed it at - geeks. Anyone that gets excited over a phone needs to get out a bit more.

Who cares who has the best phone? Girls won't care. But then you're scared of girls... aren't ya.

What a load of tosh.

C905 is officially the worst phone SE ever made, I had 4 or 5 warranty replacements in less than 4 months before I decided to f**k it and get an iphone.

Best descision I ever made tbh, would never go back to a normal sub-standard phone now. The iphone is just on another level, I was dead against them until I actually started playing about with one... Txting is fine for me and I have man hands. Theres just too many things that I can now do on my iphone that i've never been able to do on any other phone I had

Some examples:

- Get in car, plug iphone into my alpine ida-x100 and windscreen holder and turn on Navigon GPS, start my journey and recieve a call. Answer it. Hang up, Sat nav still live and kicking.
- Sync my entire phone book with a google account. f**k storing contacts on the sim ever again, and I never need to worry about backups now
- happily browse the net quickly in bed or at work when i quickly need to look something up. I dont sit on facebook for hours on my iphone but its certainly so much easier to navigate the net than any of my previous phones
- download applications/games/anything i want on the fly! even music videos/music!
- show off in general, and look f**king cool

I do miss the 8meg camera tho :( - C905 should be sold as a camera not a phone tbh, sucks.
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Why would you want to do all that with a phone?

Looking at p**n in bed on your iphone? Get a girl to join you it's more fun!! ;)
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
iPhone is awesome. Only downside when you compare it with normal phones for everyday use is it's size, but it's so sleek it fits in your pocket no problem.

It all comes down to having 1 thing that does everything. If all you had in the first place was a phone then fair enough (keep living in 1999 lol), but if you had an iPod, PDA, phone, sat nav etc etc (which I did) then it's heaven sent.
i dont have either phone but I do have an iTouch.

The thing that appeals to me is the apps, there is pretty much something to do anything. Does the BB have something similar to this?

i cant wait for my contract to expire (6 months :() so I can upgrade to an iPhone - I can then have one physical object for everything on the move. :D
I can give my views as i have used both the iPhone & Blackberry Storm.

iPhone 3G

I found the iPhone at the begining totally awesome! Loved the apps and features, although it pissed me off not to be able to bluetooth something to someone, also the battery life is crap and so is the camera. But the email access on the iPhone was very good iMo and i miss it TBH.

Blackberry 9500 Storm

The Blackberry has a lot of good features, like the instant free chat between blackberrys, longer battery life and the fact and it has a decent camera.

However the touchscreen button thing isnt to my liking and i find it cant hard to use without getting pissed off! Also the width is a bit to much for my liking as well. Heavy bugger too lol

All in all i want to back to a iPhone as i prefer it to the blackberry.
i dont have either phone but I do have an iTouch.

The thing that appeals to me is the apps, there is pretty much something to do anything. Does the BB have something similar to this?

i cant wait for my contract to expire (6 months :() so I can upgrade to an iPhone - I can then have one physical object for everything on the move. :D

You don't have an iTouch ;)
You sound like my wife.

Lol Warren.

The Storm has crashed on me more times than a blind man in a formula 1 car. It also drops calls quite frequently, as well as "failing" when ever I call someone. But more recently, it seems to have solved that and is working as an average little phone again.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
I had a Curve, a Bold and a Pearl. Stuck with the Bold as I was told I had to have a Blackberry as my work phone. I have an iPhone for my own phone, and I never touch the Cackberry as it's cumbersome, the keys are smaller than the virtual keys on the iPhone and the interface is clunky and old-fashioned.

Phone-wise, well I quite like just flicking down my contacts and poking them, or just reading their name out. Cackberry you've got to mess with your balls.
Ive got a 3Gs and came over from a curve. Thay are two very different phones

I think ones a better phone/email device and ones a better alround multi media tool.

Ie when the iphone is in my pocket i can hardly hear the ringer , never mind a text , and mail chance , while on the blackberry it was loud as fook , and bleeps 3 times for a mail/massage.

For sat in the doctors waiting room and surfing there is only one winner iphone.
  Mk2 Golf GTI
I could afford an iphone if i wanted as i'm earning a decent wage working for my uni and getting free accomodation and bills on top of that. My whole wage is pretty much expendable but when it comes down to it i cant justify spending so much on a phone.

They are cool, and also better than the Bold without a doubt but that should be expected when they cost so much.

I got a free curve with 400 mins, unlimited texts & internet, 4gb mem card and bluetooth headset for £20 per month. Does everything i need ie make calls, navigation, emails (which is the best feature for me), text, web browsing etc etc. The iphone would have been over double for a worse contract and i'd have to shell out for the phone on top. Not worth it imo.

The games are s**t compared to iphone but i have an ipod touch so i get pretty much everything.

But basically yeah, you get what you pay for.
  Hyundai i40
I voted for iPhone

But as above they can not be compared

BB is aimed more at ur working man etc, that get loads of emails and just wants a phone that does emails and if required came get on the net

I must admit i love my pearl but i do feel that the iphone would do just the same thing that is required

iphone is more for your average person, it does everything and has apps for 'entertainment' i think entertainment is the main thing about iphones

Will i get another BB nope.....will i be investing in an iPhone next......oh yeah baby!
  RIP Dan
Which is why there is so much hype surrounding them both from both users and those that want them . . . Lol!

Indeed, 90% of faults we are getting at the mo is to do with both of the above.

Could have either but stick with my trusty SE.

Not a boast btw, I work for a network provider looking after the GSM radio network.

Some of the lads in the office I work with have BB's and they cause allsorts of wierd do bloody Iphones.

The poll should have an option to say both are utter w*nk;)
Interesting, had a SE for about 18 months from Voda, sent it back god knows how many times, finally sold it and just used the N95 8gb.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
He's just jealous because he doesn't have either.
  Revels Mum & Sister
Re: iPhone VS Bold - Fight.

BB's are for people who can't afford the iPhone or just want to buck the trend and not have the best phone.

Best of luck to them. Some people are just intellectually challenged.

Not true.... I can plenty afford a 3GS or 3G (In fact I have a 3G!) but each time I go back to the Blackberry. Why? It handles emails in a far better way for me. I use it for work a lot and also personal email.

It makes calls and txts, I love the QWERTY keyboard on it, nice screen as well. Takes the odd photo if needed.

Thats why for me it is better (FOR ME!) granted all the toys and gimmicks on the iphone are awesome and it is a fantastic bit of kit however it allways ends up in my desk draw.
  Revels Mum & Sister
Lol Warren.

The Storm has crashed on me more times than a blind man in a formula 1 car. It also drops calls quite frequently, as well as "failing" when ever I call someone. But more recently, it seems to have solved that and is working as an average little phone again.

The Storm is a truly shocking handset. I had one for a little while last month. Tried it for 3 weeks and gave up.
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
Its not ideal, but for all you people who are saying "yeh but teh iphone has a touchscreen" shite,

Jailbreak + app called keyvib = tiny vibration each time you press a button on the text screen which offers a nice little bit of feedback and i've now got to the stage where i can text accurately without looking at the screen like i could with my old keypad on my w810i.

Not ideal, nor is it unique to the iphone, alot of touchscreens do it, but i find it very helpful for training yourself to type on the iphone.


  MK7 GTD & Mini GP
I bet i could type a paragraph faster on my blackberry, then all of you could do on your iPhones....

A better messaging tool by far.



ClioSport Moderator
But i bet most on here could drive faster in their CS's than you can in your lupo, does that make it a better driving tool? ;)

iphone has the style and usability, and what you do with a phone more than anything is use it.



  MK7 GTD & Mini GP
I tell you what else the CS driver can do faster too... depreciate : )

Nah I agree, the iPhones are great little tools.. the copy and paste feature they have now is revolutionary!
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
So what if you can type a txt quicker, i bet i can navigate round cliosport quicker.

I also bet i can play better games, get better applications and have a much more user friendly experience whilst using it. I also bet that i could text relatively near to your text speed, i've got to the point now where i can txt without looking at the screen, on a touchscreen.

The blackberry is good for a few things, the iphones a much better all rounder, i can see the appeal of a blackberry to business users though but for your average joe, iphone all the way.


  MK7 GTD & Mini GP
So what if you can type a txt quicker, i bet i can navigate round cliosport quicker.

I also bet i can play better games, get better applications and have a much more user friendly experience whilst using it. I also bet that i could text relatively near to your text speed, i've got to the point now where i can txt without looking at the screen, on a touchscreen.

The blackberry is good for a few things, the iphones a much better all rounder, i can see the appeal of a blackberry to business users though but for your average joe, iphone all the way.

You defined the iphone in one word there! :)
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
You defined the iphone in one word there! :)

Millions of people worldwide are wrong, but the guy with the... lupo... must be right!

The iphone is far better than average, if it was nothing more than average it wouldn't be such a popular phone, its the ultimate all rounder. Call it a jack of all trades, master of some. ;)
  Better than yours. C*nt.
To be fair, f**k all those people saying that the iPhone is expensive. I can put ANY voice SIM with data tariff in it and it'll work. If I want to use a cackberry I have to use a standard tariff, THEN add on the monthly fee for having a cackberry and then if you use it in a different environment then you've got to pay a different monthly fee for Enterprise services.

What the F*ck?! Why is it different, it's all mobile data!!!
  BMW 330ci Clubsport
Far better phones out there than either of these in my opinion, HTC make some fantastic phones

To be fair, f**k all those people saying that the iPhone is expensive. I can put ANY voice SIM with data tariff in it and it'll work. If I want to use a cackberry I have to use a standard tariff, THEN add on the monthly fee for having a cackberry and then if you use it in a different environment then you've got to pay a different monthly fee for Enterprise services.

What the F*ck?! Why is it different, it's all mobile data!!!
This makes me laugh, so much. iPhone you have to pay more for generally (The tarrif prices are rediculous for what it is), Blackberry you have to pay more for "Blackberry super fantastic" data. But HTC, nope, do Android or Windows Mobile make you pay extra? Nope.

I also bet i can play better games, get better applications and have a much more user friendly experience whilst using it.
These may all be true, but at a price. You have to pay for nearly every app and every game. So after spending a silly amount for an iPhone with an o2 tarrif you now are paying extra for the little things you usually get free
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ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Far better phones out there than either of these in my opinion, HTC make some fantastic phones

The HTC Hero is a decent phone. As for anything else i'm stumped?

This makes me laugh, so much. iPhone you have to pay more for generally (The tarrif prices are rediculous for what it is), Blackberry you have to pay more for "Blackberry super fantastic" data. But HTC, nope, do Android or Windows Mobile make you pay extra? Nope.

Yeah you do.

O2 for example; £35pm on an HTC Phone gets you 600min 500txt and ONE bundle. (so in your case you'd take data.)iPhone is the same deal, but you get wifi hotspots thrown in (£7pm with a HTC Phone) So using that logic, iPhones are cheaper. And thats before we even go down the unlimited road..

These may all be true, but at a price. You have to pay for nearly every app and every game. So after spending a silly amount for an iPhone with an o2 tarrif you now are paying extra for the little things you usually get free

Find me a decent app on winmob or android that you don't have to pay for?

Great argument.
hmmm iPhone, was a sceptic but had a 3gs for a few weeks now, what can I say...

Plays Worms!
By the minute share updates (am sure BB has this)
Plays music in my car and on the move.
Can go for a cycle, finish and have a map of my route and speeds.
Flight Control!
Web surfing is a breeze, don't turn on my PC half as much now.
Great for watching video...

I'm sure there's an endless list of things...


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  500 Bhp Golf R 7.5
lets not forget iphone now has monkey island and streets of rage :)
  BMW 330ci Clubsport
Far better phones out there than either of these in my opinion, HTC make some fantastic phones

The HTC Hero is a decent phone. As for anything else i'm stumped?

This makes me laugh, so much. iPhone you have to pay more for generally (The tarrif prices are rediculous for what it is), Blackberry you have to pay more for "Blackberry super fantastic" data. But HTC, nope, do Android or Windows Mobile make you pay extra? Nope.

Yeah you do.

O2 for example; £35pm on an HTC Phone gets you 600min 500txt and ONE bundle. (so in your case you'd take data.)iPhone is the same deal, but you get wifi hotspots thrown in (£7pm with a HTC Phone) So using that logic, iPhones are cheaper. And thats before we even go down the unlimited road..

These may all be true, but at a price. You have to pay for nearly every app and every game. So after spending a silly amount for an iPhone with an o2 tarrif you now are paying extra for the little things you usually get free

Find me a decent app on winmob or android that you don't have to pay for?

Most of the HTC phone in my opinion are pretty good. Touch Diamond is a bit slugish, Touch HD and Touch Pro are good. The HTC Dream (G1) is excelent, and no I'm not an owner of it).

You got your second arguement completely wrong.. The iPhone is £35 a month for 600 minutes and 500 texts, AND an extra £87.11 or £175.19. Now I couldnt check an up-to-date HTC phone because o2 don't have them on their website anymore for some reason? But the most expensive one they have is £35 a month for 500 minutes, 1000 texts and the phone for free.
Also I have used Wifi hotspots and not had to pay extra to be able to. I do have a data plan though

Have you ever heard of XDA Devs? There are an awful lot of useful free apps for WM and Android on there...
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