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iPhone Firmware v2.2 Available Now

  133, 182, Kangoo 182
One change I like is the fact that you can now actually select 12 hour clock for UK format. Beforehand you could only do this in US. :)
  Citroen DS3 DSport
RSIDave you can have the cal entries notify you by setting the alarm or were you referring to something different?

Ok I've tested my updated iPhone with my Alpine HU and it's working perfectly still including full playlist selection.

Web browsing is far faster now and so far no Safari crashes which I would usually get often.
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RSIDave you can have the cal entries notify you by setting the alarm or were you referring to something different?

No that is one way which works however not all my calendar entries have alerts.

From the home screen i want the calendar icon to have a number notification of how many entries i have on today (e.g like mail and sms)


That way i know that something needs my attention, also birthdays are gay. Why have the field in the contacts and not auto update the calendar. I have to do it from Outlook and then sync them across :(

Battery app or decent indication of what is left would be nice too. Shame no one has made a decent free To-Do list that alerts you or that syncs with outlook. Still loving it anyway :)


ClioSport Club Member
anyone having trouble with pixelation in photo's? e.g, i have a wallpaper that i set to the lock screen, but now when i zoom to get the right size for the screen its really pixelated. it was fine on 2.1
  6/468 17poo
They changed the way other devices control the ipod.

So no my alpine CD player has no playlists and can only skip through one playlist.

tw*ts, if it aint broke dont fix it.

Ah crap ive just updated it and im gonna be pissed if it dont work in the alpine tomo!!!!!
  106 GTi
My phone has never worked properly with my Alpine h/u only ever seems to allow me to play all the tracks on it rather than see playlists etc?


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
Had my first Call Failed within about 6 hours of the update!


Have you tried taking it to the genius bar?

Maybe your phone picked up a HW fault around the time that you did the original upgrade to 2.1....

(writing from my deathbed)


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
No that is one way which works however not all my calendar entries have alerts.

From the home screen i want the calendar icon to have a number notification of how many entries i have on today (e.g like mail and sms)


That way i know that something needs my attention

Spot on, that would be an excellent addition.

My main wish is that they'd fix the SMS privacy issue, because I'm now not comfortable handing my phone to anybody to play with for fear of "I want to s**k your c**k" appearing on the screen while they're playing with the phone.

There should be an "SMS preview" on/off button, the sms badge updates when you've not read an sms and the phone beeps when you get an sms...I don't need a bloody preview!
Have you tried taking it to the genius bar?

Maybe your phone picked up a HW fault around the time that you did the original upgrade to 2.1....

(writing from my deathbed)

No, but probably every other call I now get Call Failed.
I'm not happy really.. it's getting a bit stupid. It's getting wose.

I have no Genius Bar's around here.. :(
  Citroen DS3 DSport
There should be an "SMS preview" on/off button, the sms badge updates when you've not read an sms and the phone beeps when you get an sms...I don't need a bloody preview!

There is, it's in Settings/General/Passcode Lock

A very odd menu to place the option but it's there.
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ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
There is, it's in Settings/General/Passcode Lock

A very odd menu to place the option but it's there.

I know about this, but that means having to turn on the passcode lock. For some reason apple have made sms privacy and passcode lock mutually inclusive.

That's just wrong.

It's actually starting to piss me off quite a lot now.
  SLK 350
I guess their thinking was if you wanted privacy the only way to guarantee it is to set a passcode.

As it's my business phone, I enforce a policy via Activesync anyway, but I really don't see the issue with setting a passcode and if need be set it to be required after 15 minutes.

If I lose my phone, I like the fact it'll be wiped after 5 incorrect passcodes, and that it can be remote wiped.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
How about setting the passcode lock to 4 hours or does this still require you to enter a passcode every time a sms is received? This way it'll not bother you very often having to enter the code.
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ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
How about setting the passcode lock to 4 hours or does this still require you to enter a passcode every time a sms is received? This way it'll not bother you very often having to enter the code.

You'd think But it does bother me, I want the option to have sms privacy enabled without passcode lock! lol


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
My phone has my development provisioning on it so jailbreaking is not an option. lol
Can you restore non jailbroken firmware easily when you jailbrake a 3g iphone.

Is it actually worth it i.e. are Cyndia and Installer apps any good?

I have been reading about it but still a bit confused with the process and i cant really find much about jailbroken apps. Also anyone use MobileInstallation?
I've turned my SIM PIN off now, and also restarted the phone.

See if this helps my Call Failed hell! :p
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I was suffering from calls cutting off in some 3G areas so Apple replaced my iPhone and the new handset has been much better.
