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Jekyll's RB182 Progress Thread


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks my darling, Im really happy with the colour. Yeah i feel the RS decal breaks it up and looks subtle but smart.

But yes, its defo scrappage time now its close to 120k ;)

Unless, forged, megged, super whizzy turbo boosted rebuilt engine with all the bells and whistles..... All of which isnt happening!
  RB Clio 182
Get a clio turbo conversion done on it. Then you can have a fast clio that needs loads of fettling and is worthless that you can have sat at home going nowhere.
A bit like @Christ Almighty has[emoji23]
Actually ive just got to my mams and wiped an rs3 on the bypass, and i peeped my 'fixed' horn at him as i went past, i tried to put my passenger window down to wave and grin, but when i pressed down it went up.


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 172 / Mk1 Valver
Gave the Sabelt a clean today. Well i tried the best i could. Unfortunately its lost quite a bit of colour but its a lot better now than it was before i started. It will do until i get it retrimmed. I do love the wheel and even more so now that they have been discontinued, so its worth keeping it now. Will look great once its retrimmed, but unsure when that'll be.
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Mark, how long did you have the steering wheel on the car till it needed cleaning? Cheers Gareth


ClioSport Club Member
It was already on the car when I bought it Gareth.

I probably do it every 3/4 months but I also work with metal/cars so I do have dirty hands even though I clean them.


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 172 / Mk1 Valver
It was already on the car when I bought it Gareth.
I probably do it every 3/4 months but I also work with metal/cars so I do have dirty hands even though I clean them.

Sounds good, noticed they can be bought new again (well in a month or two) and always fancied one, although Alex has the Sparco one and that is nice also, thank you, much appreciated :up:


ClioSport Club Member
Sounds good, noticed they can be bought new again (well in a month or two) and always fancied one, although Alex has the Sparco one and that is nice also, thank you, much appreciated :up:

I know its personal preference but i much prefer this to the sparco one.

Your clocks do look awesome

Thank you sugarpie :smile:

Managed to get some inner arches :smile:

Traveled up to rugby to get them which is approx 2hrs away from me, but i wasn't get much luck elsewhere. Turned out they was in really good condition. Also picked up some speakers for the rear from one of the cars being broke as mine were knackered. Got some JBL ones which are ok. Not the best, but better than broken ones. I fitted these in a lay-by on the way home! (No pics of the speakers)


Saturday i set myself the aim of fitting the ach liners as the weather was good.



Bought myself some new torx screws for the bumpers/arch liners as the old ones were buggered.


Cleaned out the crud from behind the rear arch liners




Aches were still pretty clean


New screws fitted along with the liners


Had some new ones of these kicking about so i used them, although i didnt have enough so i had to use some of the old ones. I kept the best ones though.


I was missing some screw clamps so i quickly popped over Halfords to pick some up.


Then i pulled out a colour coded drink to slug in the sun :cool:


All fitted



Gave the wheels a clean while they was off. Going to need new front tyres soon....


Then gave the car a clean and went out later on to get some quick pics.






ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Still looking great, as usual!

Glad you got a set of arch liners, as you say look like they are a good set.


ClioSport Club Member
  172, VRS, Clio 5
If you want a handful of those plastic circular clips shout mate as I've got a pile of new ones in the garage :)


ClioSport Club Member
Tom, I only realised on Sunday!

Me and the missus was out and she asked when it was due. I said later in in the year, maybe october? She said she'd check as she knows what I'm like..... yeah it runs out this Sunday!!

All good in the hood now though :)


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Tom, I only realised on Sunday!

Me and the missus was out and she asked when it was due. I said later in in the year, maybe october? She said she'd check as she knows what I'm like..... yeah it runs out this Sunday!!

All good in the hood now though :smile:

LOL. They do come around very quickly. I can't believe garages etc don't build up a database and email/text/call to remind you, surely they are missing out on business.

Mine is due early August but as it will be the first under my ownership I want to get in early.
Great stuff Mark, always good to know it's gone through all ok, no advisories is what you want!

Me and the missus was out and she asked when it was due. I said later in in the year, maybe october? She said she'd check as she knows what I'm like..... yeah it runs out this Sunday!!

This is when you know she is a keeper :cool:


ClioSport Trader
  Cliosport 182 ff
Just gone through the whole thread whilst at work on the loo, made for good reading, car looks wicked.

Post are always on point, like it.

Job is cool as well, I work for jd classics. Classic car game as well. Digging the build.

rs 1an

South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
I'm glad it passed Mark bring it over when your free give it coat of hydro2 and a good clean.
  Astra TT
Great thread, beautiful car. The Renaultsport decal on the dials is spot on, how it should have looked out of the factory.
