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knocking and banging? Need help

  Clio 172
Hi. Quite new to the Clio scene but over the past week I have encountered the following problems which I can't get my head round.

When at a stand still with engine running,if I turn the wheel left to right, then there is an almost creaking and slight knocking noise. That's the first one

When doing small manoeuvres it seems like a knocking/banging again

When going over uneven surfaces I'm getting knocking again.

Ans finally, when braking at low speeds, there's knocking/banging and you can feel it kinda vibrating under foot.

I've had new ball joints, tie rods and ends, washers in top mounts and lower engine mount fitted. Help me remedy this

All help appreciated.



aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Is it like an exhaust hitting the heat shield kind of noise?

Do you have a standard dogbone mount?
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ClioSport Club Member
  Too many
Top mount bearings could be the creaking when turning at a standstill, anti roll bar links could be the banging over bumps?
