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Laquer coming off!

  Clio 182 & Saxo VTR
I noticed today that on my rear bumper where the edge meets the arch the laquer from the paint had flaked off! Its literally the same size as "0" < that.

Whats the best way to approach this? The rest of the paint aside from the obvious swirls is in perfect condition so i was hugle dissapointed to see this. Im just a tad concerned that water may get underneath or it may spread. Along with me wanting to machiene polish the car soon im not sure what the best approach is.

  106 GTi
Unfortunatley it will only get worse as water gets under it, and if you machine polish it you run the risk of making it flake of and spread further. Some clear lacquer from a touch up stick may stop it peeling back even worse till you get a chance to get it painted.
  Clio 182 & Saxo VTR
That sucks. Should i have the section resprayed or the entire bumper? Its really such an insignificant mark which annoys me as i know its just going to deterriorate, im going to try seal it myself as where the laquer is missing its just under the join between panels so if i manage to seal it, cosmetically speaking it wont be seen.


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Yeah, just clean up the area with some hot soapy fairyliquid etc, as this will remove any wax on the paint. Laquer up the defect, (couple of coats) and it should be fine imo. Remember to wax it a week or so later
  ALBI 197 Sonic MKII
That a touchy one. Chances are it wasn't scotched properly, which means it could happen somewhere else. Just do the above and be gentle with the powerwash in future.
