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Looks like my bean got written off this aft :(

  PH2 172
Seriously what the f**k are you talking about? Get away with what??? I have nothing to proove. Are you trying to suggest I'm lying about the state of my boot floor prior to the incident?
Don't judge me by your own poor standards if that's the case.

You voted for Brexit as you have nothing to loose.


ClioSport Club Member
Seriously what the f**k are you talking about? Get away with what??? I have nothing to proove. Are you trying to suggest I'm lying about the state of my boot floor prior to the incident?
Don't judge me by your own poor standards if that's the case.
Guys a very strange bloke. Best advice is not to rise to the weirdness.

Sorry about you car mate

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
@STEVE.M please shut the f**k up before you get permanent time off

You're a very helpful person when you want to be, but I'll be honest, I'm sick to death of reading your bullshit in 99% of threads that don't require your childish input, and I'm not the only one.

Take this as a friendly warning

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
So anyway back on topic...

I know you'll all say pics are needed here which I wish I'd got before now but with the shock, adrenaline, fucked offness and headache I didn't think to. I'll get some in the morning!
But if I say I want to keep hold of the car how easy is it likely to be to get it to a point where I can lock the boot? Anyone else been in the same predicament? lol
So anyway back on topic...

I know you'll all say pics are needed here which I wish I'd got before now but with the shock, adrenaline, fucked offness and headache I didn't think to. I'll get some in the morning!
But if I say I want to keep hold of the car how easy is it likely to be to get it to a point where I can lock the boot? Anyone else been in the same predicament? lol

You might be able to re adjust the hatch enough for it to lock, think its just held on by 2 torx bolts
  PH2 172
@STEVE.M please shut the f**k up before you get permanent time off

You're a very helpful person when you want to be, but I'll be honest, I'm sick to death of reading your bullshit in 99% of threads that don't require your childish input, and I'm not the only one.

Take this as a friendly warning

Why don`t you just f**k off and stop siding with the numb skulls.


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ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172 phase 2
So anyway back on topic...

I know you'll all say pics are needed here which I wish I'd got before now but with the shock, adrenaline, fucked offness and headache I didn't think to. I'll get some in the morning!
But if I say I want to keep hold of the car how easy is it likely to be to get it to a point where I can lock the boot? Anyone else been in the same predicament? lol

I got shunted years ago, boot closed but you couldn’t remove spare wheel. Wasn’t a massive job to have it pulled out. Couldn’t tell after

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realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
I got shunted years ago, boot closed but you couldn’t remove spare wheel. Wasn’t a massive job to have it pulled out. Couldn’t tell after

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I need to give my bike a good look over tomorrow. Was 500 yards away from LUBP when it happened lol. It got pushed into the front seat so hopefully that gave it enough room to just move...


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Proper shitter that a shunt that small did that much damage. I’d be tempted to not bother with insurance and just get it pulled, but if you do go with insurance it may well be worth finding out what the buy back cost is, because if it’s mega cheap you could sell it for someone else to break.

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
Proper shitter that a shunt that small did that much damage. I’d be tempted to not bother with insurance and just get it pulled, but if you do go with insurance it may well be worth finding out what the buy back cost is, because if it’s mega cheap you could sell it for someone else to break.

Already insurance from the off. AA recovery said they'd be claiming their costs back for the trip home. That and it was a fair old whack that I got, my head twatted the headrest quite hard. I'm starting to think he might have been reving his engine for me to do the same, majorly failed at it and went full pelt into me. I had my tunes on so never heard anything so I guess I'll never know flol.
  BMW 320d SE
I got rear-ended in my Clio a few years ago. It was written off but I bought it back. I had the boot floor pulled out and a new crash bar under the rear bumper. The bumper wasn’t damaged so that got re-used.
If it was a good’n, don’t let the insurance company have it.

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realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
I got rear-ended in my Clio a few years ago. It was written off but I bought it back. I had the boot floor pulled out and a new crash bar under the rear bumper. The bumper wasn’t damaged so that got re-used.
If it was a good’n, don’t let the insurance company have it.

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How much did that set you back so I have an idea? PM if you prefer thanks.
  BMW 320d SE
How much did that set you back so I have an idea? PM if you prefer thanks.

It wasn’t cheap to be fair. It was over £1k for the body shop to pull the boot floor out, then cut off the old crash bar, before welding in a new one, then spray it all to look decent. I got £1900 from the insurance company though.

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realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
It wasn’t cheap to be fair. It was over £1k for the body shop to pull the boot floor out, then cut off the old crash bar, before welding in a new one, then spray it all to look decent. I got £1900 from the insurance company though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Interesting, New bumper is under 100 but would need a spray so could add another 3-400 on top of that and it wouldn't be too bad.


ClioSport Club Member
If the car was a good one and you have no intention of selling anyway would it matter to you if it was cat whatever registered? If you have some change left after buy back and repair you'd probably not be any worse off when you do sell it.
  Clio 172 2003
Hope I can steal a part of this thread.
Tuesday 2 weeks ago i had a van drive into my clio's arse. So first of all I'd like your opinion on who will be to take the blame.
It was during my commute to work on a country lane with heavy trafic as it's one of the main roads from A3 to Brooklands & Woking. I had plenty of space ahead of me and there was a lorry pulling out of a T junction onto my lane from the left. I slowed down to give it space. On the oposite lane i noticed a large queue of cars with the first one wanting to come across the road to go into where the lorry just came from (File 1) as the traffic was heavy and the queue behind the car already long rather than accelerate and follow the lorry now ahead of me i came to a stop folowed by a sound of horn and a moderately big shunt from behind. (The outcome is in the other files)
I have exchanged details with the guy, seemed nice enough fella. Told him im going to assess the damage before we decode what to do. If its just the bumper i would be ok with going outside the insurance and him paying for a 2nd hand one or respray. Otherwise we would have to figure it out. Unfortunately today when i found time to check whats underneath the bumper and the rear structure is bent so it will have to go the other way.

Question 1. According to law am i partly to blame because i stopped to allow oncoming car to leave that junction?

Question 2. What's the best way to make a claim without going through my insurance? Wouldn't want my no claim discount go or premoums to go up.

Again apologies for cutting in. Can i get some more advice? It's my first proper accident, I bloody love this little blue turd and want to do ot justice and also not get f***ed over in the process (Pics on the previous page) pretty please

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
If the car was a good one and you have no intention of selling anyway would it matter to you if it was cat whatever registered? If you have some change left after buy back and repair you'd probably not be any worse off when you do sell it.

I'm incline to agree if possible at the minute. Case of do bare minimum and run it as a shed or chuck good money at it and sort the rest of the niggles with it to make it mint again. Mechanically it's sound.

Again apologies for cutting in. Can i get some more advice? It's my first proper accident, I bloody love this little blue turd and want to do ot justice and also not get f***ed over in the process (Pics on the previous page) pretty please

No disrespect but probably better starting your own thread for that one?


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
From how I see it.

1. He hit you. His fault.
2. You speak to the insurance ref the bump, the premium will go up regardless of who is at blame.
3. How much is the car worth?
4. Because of structural damage insurance needs to be involved. See option 2 though.
5. Get a quote on the work to be done but you will allways know it's had a bump.
6. If it was me, get a quote for the work get, obtain money, strip and sell the car


ClioSport Moderator
I'm incline to agree if possible at the minute. Case of do bare minimum and run it as a shed or chuck good money at it and sort the rest of the niggles with it to make it mint again. Mechanically it's sound.

No disrespect but probably better starting your own thread for that one?
From how I see it.

1. He hit you. His fault. Agree
2. You speak to the insurance ref the bump, the premium will go up regardless of who is at blame. Unfortunately agree
3. How much is the car worth? - He's already said, agreed 4k value
4. Because of structural damage insurance needs to be involved. See option 2 though. I'd say calling it structural is a bit harsh at this point, it could literlly have bent the boot floor, nothing else.
5. Get a quote on the work to be done but you will allways know it's had a bump. Disagree, it's an old clio with a straight on rear end collision, it's not a twisted chassis!
6. If it was me, get a quote for the work get, obtain money, strip and sell the car. See below

I'll weigh in here...

So, I'd personally look at getting someone very reasonable in the local area (find yourself a small back street garage that have a decent enough rep), ask them to straighten the boot out. The whole locking issue will just be down the misalignment of the catch/lock. Temporarily you could probably get this working enough to be able to lock the boot, and then get it squeaky clean once "Garage X" have pulled the damage out.

Then, for the time being, get the old bumper stuck back on, the photos don't look too bad. Spend a few months finding a replacement bumper of a breaker or a member or have someone paint you one. As long as you're willing to do a bit of leg work/get your hands a a little dirty (rear bumper is simplest thing in the world) then I'd say you could have the car back up and running and looking totally normal for sub £500.

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
Update time, I managed to get the boot to lock now which is good news. Waiting for the insurance company to get back to me regarding a hire car etc..
And here's a few pics I got of the boot floor damage


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