Having purchased my 172 about 3/4 months ago i went about finding out everything i could about them which led me to this site and let me tell u as if u didnt already no but its the best place for info on the clio i have found bar none, My car history is not overly great to say the least having past my test 2nd time lucky damn cyclist well thats a whole differnet story damn once a day car driving instructors grrrrr ... i bought a very cheap xr3i as at the time and with out prior thought to insurance or any car knowledge at all, i thought it was a bargain at only 800 pounds well until i got my insurance quote lol it would have been a bargain if not for the rust and other issues to numerous to mention to say the least but it got me driving well for a while any how 1900 quid a year 3rd party to insure ouch i no but just could not be doing with a 1. nothing car silly maybe but hey ho it didnt last long as u can imagine the dreaded ford curse had already took hold of the car long before i had purchased her and there were more holes in her than swiss cheese :S so she didnt last long engine was sound as a pound shame about the rest of the car from her i moved onto another ford this time the xr2i which i picked up for pennies this was a great example well i thought so any how had only covered 35000 ish miles with no usual rust spots that u get with these cars dont get me wrong she had her faults again to numerous to mention but she served me well and was cheaper to insure well not by alot but i loved driving her unfortunately after a couple of mots she was getting far to expensive to justify keeping her on the road plus i wanted to move on so i then bought a 1992 celica import which i got for a bargain price this lasted me for 3-4 years until the head gasket went on the motorway during rush hour most embarrasing driving experience to date nothing worse than being broken down waiting for help during a british summer i can tell u to say i got wet would be a understatement
anyhow thats what led me to my 172 to say it was love at 1st site would not be a understatement the g/f wanted me to get a 5 door family car but that was not going to happen dont get me wrong i looked at alot of cars before deciding on the 172 but with alot of gentle persuading the g/f came around to my way of thinking well after a few words from me and a bit of bribery she agreed that it was a great car lol