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Mature Drivers

How many of you would consider yourself a mature/sensible driver? if thats the correct way to put it. . .

e.g. no temptation to step a little when the road is clear / ignoring a kitted 1.1 whos signalling to race / shooting off when the lights are green to the next set of lights

i dont bother with the races etc my car isnt particularly fast(dynamique)anyway but for the 1*2/197/v6 lot do you do the above?


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
most sensible...But the noise of the Vee is so addictive, so sometimes i develop a heavy foot!

In town, it's the low down noise which is epic anyway so short shifts FTW!:)


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
I make 'progress' when appropriate, but don't race etc, and stick to the 30mph limit when appropriate. Think the big difference between now and when I was 17/18, is far better risk assesment. Can't remember the last time I attempted a silly overtake, was a bit silly when I was young.


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
Be interesting to see how many people on here have done some form of advanced training.
  LY V6 with Recaros
I like to think I'm sensible. I have moments, but I don't race and I drive to speed limits, especially around town.
  172 A Cupwork Orange™
im 30, and do race :rasp: i have a lead weight on my right foot, however as metioned above depends on what mood im in, as i do drive sensible sometimes
I only play with things worth playing with, certainly not the kitted out Nova bridgade and certainly not in build up areas etc.

However, my preference is trackdays now, as you are allowed drive as fast as you want/can in the safe and friendly environment. It also teaches you so much about what the car will do at speed, in the wet etc that I feel much more confortable on the road.
  182/Bora V5/S1 RS Turbo
I drive sensibly and just toe it when i feel like i wanna. Im always very aware of whats going on around me and can read ahead.If i get stuck behind some idiot who cannot drive and is taking no notice whatsoever then i will blat past them and usually put myhand into a gun type shape and pretend to shoot the fukka-hoping they are looking as i do it.
  Renault Clio Trophy
I'm a quick driver, but pretty uncompetitive. If someone wants to go faster than me, good luck to them.

The only time I boot it because of someone else is if they're driving badly.
  Clio 172
For me the who is in the car with makes the decision for me.
I have a 7 year old, so ofc if she is there im a Mature driver.

Me, on my own I am Mature (as I am always watching the MPG stats) but if I see a nice clear road or some little spotty git straight out of Halfords via MacDonalds well thats a different matter :rasp:


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
I drive fast, but only when it's safe in my opinion, do 80-90 on my private A road and think nothing of it.

Never tail gate unless very annoyed by someone doing 35 in a 60. It's people who drive slowly that make me agressive.
I'm 36, does that make me "mature"? I still love driving my Clio, only last night I took it out for a blast in the p1ssing rain because the mood took me! Had a great blast around the country lanes just for the sh1ts and giggles! I tend not to race (especially since it was very wet last night!), even when someone else is blatantly trying to bait me like the ST170 last night. Zoomed right up my chuff, tailgated for a bit and then overtook me on section with solid double white lines. There are some nutters out there and prefer not to have a tangle with them.
  Renault 5 GT Turbo
Tbh i consider myself to be a Mature Driver, Well i have to be tbh....

I prefer country lane's for pleasure driving... i really cant be bothered with around town driving... let alone racing against any car's.

Since i started doing Trackdays my driving on the road has calmed down alot and my driving skills have improved.
  Mini Cooper S sport
I'm a sensible driver most of the time. I don't race people because I don't enjoy it - if they want to drive like a tw*t, I let them. If someone wants to race you, you don't know if they're just up for a 'spirited' drive, or if they're being aggressive so I leave it.

I do like the occasional traffic light grand prix, although it's very rare that there'll be a quick car next to me anyway.
  Deja vu 182
Never tail gate unless very annoyed by someone doing 35 in a 60. It's people who drive slowly that make me agressive.
Same it makes my blood boil , if they can t do 60 on a straight road they shouldn t be on it . Drive a lot with my job so no real speeding .


ClioSport Club Member
Be interesting to see how many people on here have done some form of advanced training.

Very very few sadly. Why should they? Everyone's a perfect driver after all.

I'm an advanced driving instructor so I fall into the mature and sensible driver category. I do put my foot down and make obscene progress whenever I can, but only if traffic and road conditions permit. I also give chase to anything that moves or shows willing, be it a Ferrari or 1.2 Corsa, but I always give maximum space and never ever tailgate.

Being sensible/mature, and enjoying your car as it was intended are not mutually exclusive.
  172 ph2
It's funny how i've never heard anyone come out and say "you know what, im terrible at driving!" Everyone I speak to is the perfect driver, so why it is that half the people on the roads don't have a clue :p

My driving is very sensible, especially in residential areas but if I feel it is safe to 'make progress' on other roads then I will do so. It amazes me how many fools pootle up some B road at 45mph, then get into a residential 30mph zone and continue to drive at 45mph ! Complete numpties the lot of them. I have lots of fun annoying them by driving at 30mph then watching them try and keep up as it goes onto a B road :)

The only time I have ever come close to an accident in 9 years was the very first time I took a car out on my own after passing my test... I think that scared me enough for a long time afterwards.
How many of you would consider yourself a mature/sensible driver? if thats the correct way to put it. . .

e.g. no temptation to step a little when the road is clear / ignoring a kitted 1.1 whos signalling to race / shooting off when the lights are green to the next set of lights

i dont bother with the races etc my car isnt particularly fast(dynamique)anyway but for the 1*2/197/v6 lot do you do the above?

The temptation is still there yer. I USUALLY ignore it though. I admit form time to time ill step on it but its usually the same piece of road anyways when its quiet.

Shooting off at the lights....used to, Then i realised that speeding got you no where any faster.

Racing a 1.1 signaling to race.....No i dont, if they signal me to race i just ignore them and let them race themselvs. If i see someone in a small car booting it though, i do tend to follow and have a play with them both out of interest to see how fast my car is compared to theirs and also for a bit of fun. Its never a full on race, and i back off a bit when the road ends.
I'm a mature driver, others would say I'm just old. I bought my car to enjoy, but do so in the confines of the road and the law. Yes the odd traffic light grand prix is tempting and I admit, there have been times, when I have wiped the smug grin off some Saxo or Polo drivers face as they look across at the old fart in his little Clio. Sometimes it just has to be done. But then again it depends who is in the passenger seat.


ClioSport Club Member
i was a rocket in my old 1.2 16v, everynight was bonfire night in that thing lol

fairly sensible with the 172, the odd blast now n then when its dry or when out with the lads! or when ive got a passat or some other shitty diesel sitting up my arse lol
  Black Gold with cup packs
It took me a silly little accident 2 years ago in my 172 cup to become a sensible driver. I am now a sensible driver as a result. The accident wasn't bad, but I realised what could have happend if I was driving like I used to at that point in my life. I swerved to avoid an animal in the road, Hit a curb and caused £3,500 worth of damage. For financial sake as well as safety, I am now a very aware driver.


ClioSport Club Member
I probably drive to fast sometimes, I also use my mobile sometimes when I shouldn't, sometimes I think about other things and don't concentrate 100% on driving, sometimes I don't indicate.

So yes, I am a bad driver. Do some of the things I do on your driving test and the instructor would tell you to pull over and take the keys out of the ignition.

But i don't think I'm as bad as the people who do 35mph down a duel carridgeway, show complete lack of lane discipline/knowledge on a motorway, fail to make decsions and are generally nervous on the road.

invisible man

I am old enough to be a mature driver (probably considered too old to drive a hot hatch) but I am all too often tempted to boot it - though never! in a built up area and never ever! near a school. I would say too many people my age drink and drive or drive under the influence of drugs (and I have often thought of ringing the rozzers) which is far than driving above the speed limit or racing off from the lights
  182 Trophy & Megabusa
Im certainly not the maturist driver on the road, but for my age I would definately say that I am a mature driver. Put most 19 or 20 year olds in a trophy that makes the sound mine does and they would have died before the petrol ran out.

I pretty much don't bother with 1.2's if they try it on, i just let them overtake...i mostly limp around town, but living right next to some country roads I will have a blat up there every now and then. As and when its safe to do so I will enjoy my car and will happily 'have a bit of fun' with another decent car if they are willing too and the opportunity arises.

I think it boils down to the fact my brother is 5 years older than me and when i had my first car (1.2 punto) he had a 400bhp evo 6 and my mum had a Noble M12 I knew what a fast car was unlike most 17 year olds who think a 1.2 is the fastest thing on the planet and will do everything to prove it. Therefore going in the above cars on a daily basis i realised just how depressing putting my foot down in my punto was lol.

I've had a couple of moments of sillyness but overall I would definately say i am a mature and courteous driver.
  Clio 182 FF RB
I would class myself as mostly a sensible driver now depending on my mood, my first car when i was 16 was a 1.2 corsa race bus VERY slow and VERY shakey and screamy at over 90mph (got it up to 105mph once and it sounded like it was about to fall apart) but I used to rag that more than any other car ive owned!
I also used to love blasting around in the daytime but now I am very paranoid about not seeing people pulling out of small junctions, being in the Isle of man with no speed limits and lots of country roads I do worry that if i let myself go and drive really fast I wont be able to stop in time if some idiot (there seems to be alot of them around for the size of this country) decides they want to pull out in front of me so I never feel safe for the pure fact that you never know which idiot driver will be around the next corner.
I would class myself as a pretty good driver....aware of everything around me etc but dont trust any of the other cars on the road and this is the main thing that has slowed me down a bit over my 7years of driving.


ClioSport Club Member
  Turbo S,Exige,R5,182
Ive only been driving 11 months so i obviously cant say im a great driver which many people my age seem to think. Out of my friends who say they are good drivers about 80% of them have crashed in thier first year of driving.

I drive sensibly the majority of the time and only put my foot down when someone is obviously dangerous to have infront of me or when the road permits me putting my foot down. I always stick to 30mph zones as i believe they are there for a reason. But after saying this i will not say im a good driver due to my age/time on the road.

Be interesting to see how many people on here have done some form of advanced training.

Ive done a skid control course if that counts. I'd say I was a reasonably sensible driver. I dont overtake unless its safe, I dont tailgate. But if the road is empty I will put my foot down and have fun. At the end of the day Im an enthusiastic driver but I dont want to damage my car and I know my limits.
  350Z GT
was thinking about this earlier actually!
Havnt been driving long, about 3 or 4 months and am lucky enough to have a quite fast car (not a clio like i wanted but o well) but i consider myself quite safe, i only look about 10 so try not to draw attention to myself from police etc and 99/100 times am not bothered about spotty chavs unless they're all over the place trying to get my attention.
As a rule, 30 Zone i'll do about 25-30 depending on Situation. 40 Zone = i do 30-37. 50 Zone i do about 45-48 again depending on weather/situation.

Havnt got many places on the Island where we can go fast but if im honest if im on the national speed limit road near my house (travel it a few times every day) and its clear i might be tempted to put my foot down to hear the engine roar!
  197 Albi Blue
ive been driving 18months now and ive notice ive calmed down a lot in the way i drive. When first passed test was booting it away from every junction raggin the tits off my 1.2 16V. After seeing a few mates have accidents its shocked me and ive notice my driving has improved a lot.
Few close calls have made me think. I still dont class myself as a mature driver as i still end up dropping into 2nd coming out of 30mph limits and flooring it if some woman in a 4x4 has been up my arse all through 30. (ok its a 1.2 but still leaves them standing, makes me happy lol)
  Clio 200
mostly sensible, would never boot it in a built up area, near a school , or where the road/weather conditions dont permit it either.

but a chavy corsa thinking its quick will soon make me stick the foot down just to annoy them, and the same with people who tailgate me if the conditions permit it i will always without fail put my foot down, probably the wrong option there but hey.

as for my driving skills, i would say am a pretty good driver around town but with my lack of experience at speed, and on the twistys etc i am far from it. it would probably be in my own intrest to do a few track days, advanced courses etc to brush up on a few skills and too see how the car would react in different circumstances


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Done an advanced course though work a few yrs ago. Really recommend it tbh. They tell you things your not told on lessons/tests etc. Makes you more aware of how to read the road alot further ahead, looking for possible dangers etc, how to avoid possible dangers arising etc.... Dont get me wrong, the all my cars get a good pasting most days, and if any car lays the bait i'll probably bite, conditions depending. I get driven about by some of the 19-22 yearold apprentices at work, and imo they are so erratic (sp) Up and down the gears, harsh on the brakes, not leaving gaps/ reading traffic infront of them etc. Rather drive myself!!!!
  Mondeo TDCI 130
^^ the advanced driving course didnt tell you to look where your going instead of gawping at honeys then??
