Just about to put my car back on the road but hate the lexus lights ive got on at the minute. They contrast too much with the black car i think, i want something bit more subtle.
Below is a pic of the rear of my car, sorry its so poor but its the only one ive got at the minute. And also some lights that ve been looking at. Are there any other avaliable and which does everyone think will look best?
http://http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=10410&item=4542576087&rd=1Standard style
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=23010&item=7966952225&rd=1Some standard tinted ones
Also thought about dark lexus but cant find any.
Also what style of exhaust does everyone think will suit it? I want something to fill the gap but also not to OTT. Wanted one long backbox turned sideways with an outlet either end (if that makes sense) to fill the gap but cant find one.
All comments welcome, and i know it looks naff like this thats why its needs to be changed.