Albi Blue RS 200
1. Jaffa182
2. whatisjustis
4. Cupster
5. Clairemae
6. 182kev
7. martynrg
8. kevin.s
9. CupDude
10. koi
11. Hazza
12. Dajones
13. BioHzrd - Mk3 30K :/
14. dangerous daves mummys 182 @24k
15. Beatjunkie
16. Len_Beach
17. Martin_89 (Destroyed @ 47k / thumbgrip split at 21k)
18. Nafeun (Split thumb grip + melted, 2003 172 Cup @ 38k)
19. Goders172Sort ( 47K Melted & split thumbgrip)
20. kristian( 41k 182 melting at the top and side)
21.Whytes (49k 182 melting right hand side under thumb grip )
22. scott7912, (50k ish, right side melting and right grip v worn &
23. wiley(50k ish too) top was was melted, replaced with isotta split)
24. AliasOmega - onto my 2nd wheel, and now its melted again, ringing renault today. infact.. now..[/
25. rich_h - whole wheel is f**ked (was like it at 2 years old with 39k on the clock)
26.Crazycup - split in the right thumbgrip which has now started to open and fall off! 36K
27. Clioextreme05 - Melting on right hand side. (05 reg 1.2 16V).(19k Miles)
28 Pimpdaddy - melting RH side 34k
29. marsh182cup - melting on top and right hand side (05 35k)
30. Michael_L - Melting top right hand side & rubber grips melted too (54 plate 182 33k)
31. Eckascliovalver - melted at the top and thumb grip fell off (03 reg 50k)
32. rich-6 - Top melted at 32k miles at 37k the right thumbgrip has cracked and fallen off (04 plate 182, 38k)
33. Swish - 54 plate leather melted after 60k
34. JuanBoy - 15 month old (10kmls) RSi wheel already starting to peel
35. alant1000 - i dont have it anymore, but what the hell, my 04 looked knackared after 30k miles
36. NickCup172 - 52 reg Cup - Both Rubber grips have pretty much gone, and the whole wheel itself has melted serverly! (79k miles)
37. Escobar - previous 54 plate 182 wheel melted after 1 year - RUK replaced it
38. Escobar - 02 plate Dynamique wheel melted.
39. Escobar - 51 plate dynamique wheel melted.
40. Jim cook - melted all over the top of the wheel
41. Neil G - Steering wheel melted on right side/grip
42. Anna - Steering wheel melted on right side/grip
43: d_tyler - (04 plate 182, 36k) right thumb grip split and top of steering wheel melted.
44. James Bushell – I’ve had one replaced under warranty a few years ago, but the new one is doing the same.. Complained again but no joy.. 03 172 CUP.. RUK=rubbish….
45. Melly_182cup - (05 plate 182, 46k) German, Swedish, FU**ED. Goes to show what a load of scrotum
46. Rich-vt - Y reg ph2 only 50k thumb grips melted47.
47. Tom|Nbk - 02 reg ph2 90k right thumb grip melted
2. whatisjustis
4. Cupster
5. Clairemae
6. 182kev
7. martynrg
8. kevin.s
9. CupDude
10. koi
11. Hazza
12. Dajones
13. BioHzrd - Mk3 30K :/
14. dangerous daves mummys 182 @24k
15. Beatjunkie
16. Len_Beach
17. Martin_89 (Destroyed @ 47k / thumbgrip split at 21k)
18. Nafeun (Split thumb grip + melted, 2003 172 Cup @ 38k)
19. Goders172Sort ( 47K Melted & split thumbgrip)
20. kristian( 41k 182 melting at the top and side)
21.Whytes (49k 182 melting right hand side under thumb grip )
22. scott7912, (50k ish, right side melting and right grip v worn &
23. wiley(50k ish too) top was was melted, replaced with isotta split)
24. AliasOmega - onto my 2nd wheel, and now its melted again, ringing renault today. infact.. now..[/
25. rich_h - whole wheel is f**ked (was like it at 2 years old with 39k on the clock)
26.Crazycup - split in the right thumbgrip which has now started to open and fall off! 36K
27. Clioextreme05 - Melting on right hand side. (05 reg 1.2 16V).(19k Miles)
28 Pimpdaddy - melting RH side 34k
29. marsh182cup - melting on top and right hand side (05 35k)
30. Michael_L - Melting top right hand side & rubber grips melted too (54 plate 182 33k)
31. Eckascliovalver - melted at the top and thumb grip fell off (03 reg 50k)
32. rich-6 - Top melted at 32k miles at 37k the right thumbgrip has cracked and fallen off (04 plate 182, 38k)
33. Swish - 54 plate leather melted after 60k
34. JuanBoy - 15 month old (10kmls) RSi wheel already starting to peel
35. alant1000 - i dont have it anymore, but what the hell, my 04 looked knackared after 30k miles
36. NickCup172 - 52 reg Cup - Both Rubber grips have pretty much gone, and the whole wheel itself has melted serverly! (79k miles)
37. Escobar - previous 54 plate 182 wheel melted after 1 year - RUK replaced it
38. Escobar - 02 plate Dynamique wheel melted.
39. Escobar - 51 plate dynamique wheel melted.
40. Jim cook - melted all over the top of the wheel
41. Neil G - Steering wheel melted on right side/grip
42. Anna - Steering wheel melted on right side/grip
43: d_tyler - (04 plate 182, 36k) right thumb grip split and top of steering wheel melted.
44. James Bushell – I’ve had one replaced under warranty a few years ago, but the new one is doing the same.. Complained again but no joy.. 03 172 CUP.. RUK=rubbish….
45. Melly_182cup - (05 plate 182, 46k) German, Swedish, FU**ED. Goes to show what a load of scrotum
46. Rich-vt - Y reg ph2 only 50k thumb grips melted47.
47. Tom|Nbk - 02 reg ph2 90k right thumb grip melted