Right, here are the people who registered on the forum:
ALuco - aluco1989
Steven.m - snuffet
Greg - TruematesFTW
rrfierce - ?
The Stig - The Stig UK
olliev8 - ollie5659
Spiezels UK - ?
fbf01 - ?
Ibanezman - ?
Spirez - JayHarper
Funksouldubber - Funksouldubber
iainm187 - iainm187
Deathcab 4 sam - Deathcab 4 sam
Some of you i dont know your gamertag, can you please post in the INTRODUCE YOURSELF thread on the forum and include your tag so we can all add each other...
I have sent requests out to all of you who registered and just need you all to change your clan tag to CSUK and then we are set.
Some of you also need to register on the forum:
The forum is here:
Any registration problems, let me know. Can you all access the private clan section?
Finally, how are we all set for tonight? What time is best with you all?