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Monaco blue 172 FF on Sutton Way Road/A41

Well there I was minding my own business driving down Sutton Way Road going towards the cross-roads meeting the A41 at the new speed limit of 30 mph (was 40 mph) like a good little boy, when someone in a monaco blue 172 FF comes storming up my arse (not in a sexual way either, before anyone says anything to that effect!!)

Now since having my Cup back from GDI I have not had the chance to put it up next to a normal 172, so thought this was the chance to do so. After turning right on the A41 going towards Birkenhead with a car infront of me, overtook that car and so did the monaco owner and then planted the accelerator.

Monaco owner you didn't stand a chance, but Thank You for having a try! Sorry didn't get your number plate, but looked standard anyway, anyone off here?

Maybe this should belong in driving stories, if so please move.


