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ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
I'd got for the RC750's in it with a new map.

At 240bhp I was at around 80% duty cycle on 550's. I imagine 280 will be about maxing them.

I've got a 1.8 bottom end that I might build up with a GT28, my friends is just over 340bhp on a built 1.8 engine with VVT.
  Homo spec mazda
I think if i was going silly power id ditch the MX5 engine tbf, got a friend with a 550bhp garage build supra engine'd mx5 and thats cost him less the 2 grand


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
I have a soft sport for the little lump though!

Have you seen the on with the S2000 engine, its a really tidy build.
  Listerine & Poledo
I'd more sold on the V8 conversions, if I was going to do anything.

The 'vette engined jeep over the road with unsilenced side-exits rekindled the need


ClioSport Club Member
  ST3 8.5
Soooo a bit of an update. I don't know why but with every car I own a simple health check needs to be done.... with this one more so, basically the car produces quite a bit of blue smoke. Having never owned a forged, nor turbo'd car i thought it best to seek professional advice, so I took it to autotronix developments in rotherham who have done an amazing job with the car and its come back with a few things that need looking at. However they managed to notice that there was a "slight" blow from the exhaust. This actually ended up being the downpipe hanging off the turbo as 4 studs had sheered off inside it leaving just 2 nuts holding things together... This soon became zero.

In a 2 day period Clive managed to turn the car around and have it all sorted in time for Silverstone this weekend. A fantastic job done by Clive and the confirmation that the car/turbo are all healthy was such a massive weight off my shoulders :D

For anyone in the Rotherham area,I can't recommend Clive enough

Edit: oh and the lexus lights are gone.

Top chap Clive.

Doing some research with my mk3, playing with maps etc.

Not expecting much but anything is better than nothing.

Was not having a pop on either forum.

Just seen too many jump into hyper power cars & not end well.

See you have been Fid before, thought you were Clio going to 300bhp rwd if you understand.
  Homo spec mazda
RE the supra engined one

Its a homebrew thing but cossie driveshafts and a jaguar diff, all in he reckons hes spent sub 2 grand.

The F20c things is going to become a very very popular conversion if and when the lump becomes cheap, it suits the nature of the car so much. That engine in standard form or on bodies would be literally perfect for track work. I don't really like the 1.8 engine, i prefer the 1.6 tbh, they feel massively slower then my old 1.8 but the engine is wayyyyyy more of a peach.

I do however really badly want a V8 Meeatttaaa, one day i will own one.


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  Homo spec mazda
Nah it got wayyy too late so we left it, gonna leave it a wee while, change the actuator etc and see in a month or 2 time.
supercharging a 1.8 at the moment. On the verge of buying one for myself.

regarding the 1.6 v 1.8 thing though, the 1.8 is so much easier to live with. 1.6 felt dangerous it was so slow
  Homo spec mazda

I left my lights on in work today and came back to a flat battery... thats all.
  'Mia' Rover Mini 35
Really nice! Does the two seater thing have a massive impact? Always thought having two seats would be massively impractical.
