Thought now would be a good time to update this thread with the bean having an eventful couple of months...
So leading on from my other thread that got locked...
The good news with that one was that as soon as the insurance saw the cctv evidence it was a clear case of it being the other car at fault so I had the pleasure of having the Merc C200 over Christmas. It was a nice car and I had quite a bit of fun in it and still miss the creature comforts a little but all ended well and I got my car back fully repaired:smile:. I've still not got round to inspecting the repair fully as I've not washed the car yet since I got it back.
Before the bump I'd already booked the car in for it's full 5 year service with
@Andyrg@ ClioTurbo in mid January. I'd also been thinking about getting some cams if I could get some decent ones 2nd hand so asked Andy if he had any going begging. I didn't really fancy shelling out £600 on some new Catcams so Andy suggested going down the 197 route. So the search began for some (funny how they don't seem to popup for sale as often once you start looking lol!)
I then came across this thread so sent
@sharkeygrim a cheeky PM to see if he fancied selling his. During this time I had the bump which put things up in the air a little but eventually went ahead and bought them from him.
So then came the time to head up the A1 to Durham to get them put in and have the full service. Andy was a really nice chap and his work all looks spot on plus his prices are very competitive.
The drive back was interesting. The car sounded well but it was a bit of a pain to drive due to having a bad habit of stalling all the time at lights and kangerooing badly around 1500-2000rpm. This went on until Saturday just gone and was a b**ch to drive on my rush hour commute and had me wondering if I'd made the right choice...
Then came my 1st mapping session by Chris (
@Scoff ) at EFI Parts. There was a slight problem with this from the off and that was that the bean had an RSTuner map on it which because I no longer had the tuner was a bit of a pain because of it's encryption/checksums etc. After a few hours of freezing we had to call it a draw while Chris had some time to think about the best way forward.
Roll on Saturday just gone and a few more weeks of the car being a pain to drive and I was back at EFI. After swapping out the ecu with another and then swapping a troublesome lambda sensor he finally had success with it and the result is below. I can't thank Andy and Chris enough for all the effort they've put in and would highly recommend them to anyone.
As for the 197 cams, I'm delighted with them so far for the cost. The car just pulls so much better once the revs build a bit. They really have made a positive difference. Unfortunately because of the way things panned out with the bump etc I didn't get chance to RR before but I'm happy with the result. It's a good 20bhp up on my old 172 now and it really shows

Quick vid