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My Black Gold (no)mod thread


ClioSport Club Member
I fitted the new style mounts and found they dropped too.

I'm sure it says on there site that they don't, but mine didn't rub before fitting and then did a bit afterwards. Only on full lock though.


ClioSport Club Member
I fitted the new style mounts and found they dropped too.

I'm sure it says on there site that they don't, but mine didn't rub before fitting and then did a bit afterwards. Only on full lock though.
I'll see how it goes. I only got a bit of rubbing on the driver side on big compressions which may be cured by removing the spacers. I'll give it a test run at the weekend without the radio on 🙉😆.


ClioSport Club Member
Well it didn't fail the mot😁. But it didn't pass either. As this is a mot tester I've not used before as a precaution I put the standard steering wheel and airbag back on. Fuuuuck me it's bloody huge! It's like steeing with a ferris wheel🎡🤣.

Got it swapped over no problem and checked all the lights around the car before heading to the test. Set off and the bloody battery and stop lights came on. They tested the battery and alternator for me and found the alternator is putting out 11.5v and the battery was about ready to die. So didn't even bother doing the test and I sulked off home to shop for an expensive dynamo😭. Bloody well timed or what!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Well it didn't fail the mot😁. But it didn't pass either. As this is a mot tester I've not used before as a precaution I put the standard steering wheel and airbag back on. Fuuuuck me it's bloody huge! It's like steeing with a ferris wheel🎡🤣. View attachment 1492794
Got it swapped over no problem and checked all the lights around the car before heading to the test. Set off and the bloody battery and stop lights came on. They tested the battery and alternator for me and found the alternator is putting out 11.5v and the battery was about ready to die. So didn't even bother doing the test and I sulked off home to shop for an expensive dynamo😭. Bloody well timed or what! View attachment 1492795
It was me and @mossyv6 wishing you goodluck that caused this. I'm so sorry.


ClioSport Club Member

New alternator from @renaultpartsdirect delivered with their usual speedy sercice👍. I'll not be sending the old one back though, half the £20 exchange would be spent on posting the flipping lump😂.

Thanks to @Yorkshire Pudding for offering to come and fit it for me👍.
f**k you @Yorkshire Pudding for not coming to fit it for me, I hope you've got a big bald patch 🤣🤣.

So I went out and bought a tool and a swear jar and set about it myself.

Bloody Clio specific tool collection is getting silly now 😂. Apart from the rusty power cable bolt and figuring out how to physically jiggle the alternator out of a seemingly too small gap it was a petty easy job. Car fired up and the warning lights have gone. Aux belt didn't fly off and I don't have any bolts left over so I call that a job well done😊.

Come out you t**t!

The slam panel has some rust on it so I'll add that to the list of brown bits to sort next year. I'm done (hopefully) with tinkering this year.

Still to come, MOT pt2🙄🤣.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I think I need a rally livery on mine. That way I can get away with never washing it again 👌.
Tell your Mrs you are going to b&q to pick up some screws for the curtain pole then come on the driveout with us.


ClioSport Club Member
Gave the car a shakedown today with @Yorkshire Pudding @Louis @dann2707 @Sj1782 @Steve out for a rare Yorkshire meet. My car survived, nothing fell off or caught fire which is a win after I've been spannering on it😂. The only issue was that barely legal PS3's don't offer much grip!
@dann2707 picked a great route today with some very interesting roads that were just what the Clio was built for. I can't wait for the next Yorkshire meet in 2022🤣.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Gave the car a shakedown today with @Yorkshire Pudding @Louis @dann2707 @Sj1782 @Steve out for a rare Yorkshire meet. My car survived, nothing fell off or caught fire which is a win after I've been spannering on it😂. The only issue was that barely legal PS3's don't offer much grip!
@dann2707 picked a great route today with some very interesting roads that were just what the Clio was built for. I can't wait for the next Yorkshire meet in 2022🤣.
Is Chris on here?


ClioSport Club Member
Just skimmed through your thread mate, loving looking car - I'm a sucker for black gold!

I'll be keeping an eye on updates!
Thanks, it looks OK from a distance but is definatly in need of some cosmetic enhancing. As long as it remains reliable I can live with the looks though. Belts are due next year so a decision wil have to be made about its long term future.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Thanks, it looks OK from a distance but is definatly in need of some cosmetic enhancing. As long as it remains reliable I can live with the looks though. Belts are due next year so a decision wil have to be made about its long term future.
Looked tidy on Saturday mate!


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
I was surprised how clean it stayed sat on the drive for a week!

Just brought it for 2 front tyres fitting and their jack won't go under it😂. I bet it scrubs like a t**t with new tyres on.

Can guarantee if their jack won't go under it, it's the type of place that you'll get scuffs on the wheels when they fit the tyres. That'd probably living the shite powercoating up a bit mind you and I can say that as mine as the same shite job 😂


ClioSport Club Member
Can guarantee if their jack won't go under it, it's the type of place that you'll get scuffs on the wheels when they fit the tyres. That'd probably living the shite powercoating up a bit mind you and I can say that as mine as the same shite job 😂
Yeah I'm 100% not worried about my wheels being fucked up any more. Little ramps were available to assist 😂.

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
just caught up, been a few trials and tribulations haven't there! glad she's still going though :)

I was waiting for that! My car ain't no garage queen, it actually gets driven. Although I'm on week 4 off work and it's done about 20 miles and not had a wash for 5 weeks now 🤣🤣.

what a crock of s**t though this is, yours is on baby mileage and does naff all a year anyway.......sort it out ;-)

cough.....217k........cough.....used waaaaay more.....cough cough.....does trackdays.....cough

