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My Black Gold (no)mod thread


ClioSport Club Member
just caught up, been a few trials and tribulations haven't there! glad she's still going though :)

what a crock of s**t though this is, yours is on baby mileage and does naff all a year anyway.......sort it out ;-)

cough.....217k........cough.....used waaaaay more.....cough cough.....does trackdays.....cough

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😂 OK, I can barely be bothered to clean the outside properly never mind the dirty bits you don't see. I have a nice shiny alternator now though 👍🤣.


ClioSport Club Member
September 10th was the start of this year's road trip to Wales with @MrBlonde @alexessex_7 and @Jon46 . It was another great weekend of driving with the Brecon Beacons being quieter than Snowdonia but the roads are more fun around the mountain. The single track B roads we stumbled upon when heading north were good fun, as long as you weren't the odd one out in a huge ass megane that is😂. I wasn't allowed to navigate after that 🤷‍♂️.
We didn't see any other clios on the roads this year but did pass a line of Corrado's, some Focus St's and a group of Ariel Atom's.

And a bit of scenery.

I covered 881 miles and averaged 39.6 mpg. I had the eml flashing midway through the weekend when we pulled up but a quick restart shut it off and it didn't appear again. Apart from that we had no car issues at all👍.

Saying that, this last week my boot solenoid has failed again, about a year since it was fitted after it failed in the wilds of Wales last year!

Still got the mot to pass after last months alternator death screwed it up!


ClioSport Club Member
Not used the car much due to being furlough'd up until a couple of weeks ago when I had to go to work on days😱. The MD wouldn't shift his shitty jag so I could park in my usual spot so I had to park on the road. It got a little bit mucky,

Leaving work on the Friday I couldn't see anything out the back window or in the wing mirror. Luckily I was back on furlough this week so made time in my busy schedule to wash all 3 clio's. The wife's car had green stuff growing on the window seals its not been washed for that long 😂.

All clean and retired to the back of the driveway again. I just need to see if I can hoover out the spider that keeps making a web on my sun visor! I don't want the t**t jumping on me while I'm driving 😣.


ClioSport Club Member
Coming upto 5 years ownership this month. The reg plates are still the same and the stickers are stil on the bump strips😂. Now how to celebrate our 5th anniversary 🤔.

By taking the slow road home! Suspected dead cv joint, possibly something more sinister as the banging and jumping was quite severe. I'll jack it up and wiggle some bits until something falls off when I can be arsed to. We've fallen out over this and are having some time apart💔.

The journey home was the most annoying ever. I've never heard someone talk so much bolloks about cars in my life! Anyone else know the new 140i has a 4 litre twin turbo engine? Or that a transit will keep up with S3? OK so some sketchy car knowledge can be excused, but there's not a cat in hells chance that a transit van at a car show has people admiring how great the exhaust sounds🤣. Thank god it was only a half hour trip home.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Coming upto 5 years ownership this month. The reg plates are still the same and the stickers are stil on the bump strips😂. Now how to celebrate our 5th anniversary 🤔.
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By taking the slow road home! Suspected dead cv joint, possibly something more sinister as the banging and jumping was quite severe. I'll jack it up and wiggle some bits until something falls off when I can be arsed to. We've fallen out over this and are having some time apart💔.

The journey home was the most annoying ever. I've never heard someone talk so much bolloks about cars in my life! Anyone else know the new 140i has a 4 litre twin turbo engine? Or that a transit will keep up with S3? OK so some sketchy car knowledge can be excused, but there's not a cat in hells chance that a transit van at a car show has people admiring how great the exhaust sounds🤣. Thank god it was only a half hour trip home.
Ah..... the Ramp of Shame. I know that feeling well from the back-end of 2018.

As if a driveshaft letting go wasn't bad enough, this happened the day after my birthday and I also got caught speeding on a dual-carriageway approximately an hour before this picture was taken. Thankfully the recovery driver was actually a sound bloke and really took extra care in getting the 182 loaded up.



ClioSport Club Member
Ah..... the Ramp of Shame. I know that feeling well from the back-end of 2018.

As if a driveshaft letting go wasn't bad enough, this happened the day after my birthday and I also got caught speeding on a dual-carriageway approximately an hour before this picture was taken. Thankfully the recovery driver was actually a sound bloke and really took extra care in getting the 182 loaded up.

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Not matter how embarrassing it is you just have to take a pic though 😂. He took it steady winching it on and kept an eye on the front bumper. Needn't have worried, there was at least a cm of clearance🤏.


ClioSport Club Member
It's been a while since the breakdown and I still don't know what's wrong. That may be because I've avoided pulling parts off to see what doesn't work. In a moment of madness the other week I did decide to pull the rear cards off and have a peer into the abyss hoping to not see any rust. What I found was quite surprising!

Both rear quarters were stuffed with padding. The passenger side card inner cover was securely glued in place where the driver side was loose in places so I presume this had been there since the car was new. Anyone else found any of this stuff in their car?

As you can see there was quite a lot of it, that's from one side only!

Anyway, rust?

Yep some. It didn't look as bad after I'd hoovered the loose stuff out and I expected much worse considering my jacking points are absolutely mashed and rusty. I've got some bilt hamber treatment on the way so will clean it up and dab some of that on to hopefully save the inners and I'll see about sorting the jacking points at some point.

After a small fire at work last week caused by my machine I'm now on furlough again. So to out the time to good use I'm going to pull the car to bits and try to suss out what's broke. First thing needed was a decent jack. The little trolley jack I had wouldn't go under the car without driving onto some wood first and then didn't go very high so SGS to the rescue.

I still hate jacking the car up but at least there's less faffing about now. I managed to safely get the car jacked up and decatted before the rain started. Typically as I have the week off there's rain forecast every bloody day 🙄. Packed up my s**t and went home after taking a little decat vid😂.

More swearing and realising I need tools I don't have in between tomorrow's showers.


ClioSport Club Member
No rain today for a change and I managed to wiggle then last parts loose and free the gearbox. f**king thing was that filthy I couldn't see the nut at the very front of it that was holding it on. I went around it half a dozen times looking for ones I'd missed before I found the t**t😂.

State of it! The plastic filler wing nut was totally hidden too, I must have scraped a killo of crap off. Now to find out what's wrong with it.
Might need to do some extra work when the belts are done too, seems I have an oil leak or two.

I hope I can rember where some of the bits I've taken off came from. I'm definatly ready for a rest.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
No rain today for a change and I managed to wiggle then last parts loose and free the gearbox. f**king thing was that filthy I couldn't see the nut at the very front of it that was holding it on. I went around it half a dozen times looking for ones I'd missed before I found the t**t😂.
View attachment 1538145
State of it! The plastic filler wing nut was totally hidden too, I must have scraped a killo of crap off. Now to find out what's wrong with it.
Might need to do some extra work when the belts are done too, seems I have an oil leak or two. View attachment 1538146
I hope I can rember where some of the bits I've taken off came from. I'm definatly ready for a rest.
Top work Porl.


ClioSport Club Member
Finally dragged the gearbox out the other day. I thought I'd got all the bolts out but I'd missed the nut at the front as it's hidden behind a radiator hose and it was absolutely covered in muck. So much so that I couldn't see it at all!

Yeah bit grotty that. It's away now to see if it's actually broken or if I've wasted hours of my life for no reason. The bloody thing better be broken now😂.
Now that's finally done I've got lots of rusty, mucky worn out parts to sort out before I can try to remember where they all belong on th car. Front hubs are disgustingly rusty and one of the bearings is fucked. Half the subframe was filthy and it had a couple of loose rivnut that need replacing. Wishbones also have a ginger patina. The arb is crusty/clean/perfect paint /crusty again and one of the powerflex bushes that were on when I bought the car wasn't fitted right and squashed out of shape by the clamp. And then there's the parts that I can now see on th car that are more brown gold than black gold that I'll have to address. So still lots to do before I'm back on th Road.
Some random pics of orrible clio gubbins.


ClioSport Club Member
I started to de rust a few parts yesterday with a wire brush in the grinder.

I started the wishbones too but by then most of the wires were stuck in me rather than the brush. It actually worked better with just stubble😂.

I need to finish up the wishbones and make a start on the hubs. And I need some better weather so I can treat parts and slap some hammerite on them.
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