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My Black Gold (no)mod thread


ClioSport Club Member



ClioSport Club Member
Nut and bolt the c**t
No and no. I don't have the reserves of nuts and bolts you do and didn't buy a starter that should fit to be pissing about with nuts and bolts.

In other news my starter seems to spin freely on the bench.


Old one seems a bit slower maybe? I remembered seeing a post on here about replacing the brushes in the starter so looked into that. Well that particular post wasn't quite accurate in saying its a bosch 110 series starter.

Above the Renault part no is the bosch number, in the rust. They all start 0001 and it's the next 3 numbers that designate what series it is with the last 3 numbers designating the fitment. So it's clearly a 106 not 110.
After watching a couple of YouTube vids on refurbishing a starter I apart to see what's what.

Thers lots of crap inside it that can only be wear. But the brushes have loads of life left.

So I guess I'll clean it up and reassemble it and see if it spins any better. I might even refit it and test it out. Should be pretty easy now the cars in thousands of bits.
I have a feeling my cars never going to work again though 😞.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
If it won't turn over once you bolt it back on, give it smack with a hammer and a long extension bar.

Had to do that on my brother's cmax when we did the clutch and flywheel. Worked perfectly before we took the box off, then just a clicking noise when it was all back together. A quick tap whilst turning the key sorted it and it's been fine ever since 😂


ClioSport Club Member
If it won't turn over once you bolt it back on, give it smack with a hammer and a long extension bar.

Had to do that on my brother's cmax when we did the clutch and flywheel. Worked perfectly before we took the box off, then just a clicking noise when it was all back together. A quick tap whilst turning the key sorted it and it's been fine ever since 😂
I did give it a gentle massage previously. If it doesn't work again I've got a big hammer waiting👿.


ClioSport Club Member

I gave the starter a good clean and regrease tested it agian and it seemed to spin faster so with the new one one its way back I figured I'd refit the old one and see what happened. Getting the fucker in was a lot easier than getting it out, it's a job I'd definatly recommend paying someone to do though! As the battery was flat I connected it up to the wife's car and Jo started it. I was bloody surprised when it started. So we're all the neighbours judging by all the curtain twitching. It was a bit loud with the exhaust manifold though 😂. Now I just need to put all the other bits back on🤔.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
View attachment 1556051

I gave the starter a good clean and regrease tested it agian and it seemed to spin faster so with the new one one its way back I figured I'd refit the old one and see what happened. Getting the fucker in was a lot easier than getting it out, it's a job I'd definatly recommend paying someone to do though! As the battery was flat I connected it up to the wife's car and Jo started it. I was bloody surprised when it started. So we're all the neighbours judging by all the curtain twitching. It was a bit loud with the exhaust manifold though 😂. Now I just need to put all the other bits back on🤔.


ClioSport Club Member
As I'm 12 shifts from my last night shift the wife says I need to get my car working again so I've been working through little jobs that needed doing. Most fun wasn't getting the gear lever lined up so I can get all gears. I marked it before I removed the rod but its gone back on and it's about 10mm different now! While I was under the car swearing the heatshield under the shifter need refitting. Where it joined the aluminium heat shield further forward the aluminium had given up and both clips had torn off. That meant drilling new holes while laid under the car. I think I've got all the bits out of my eyes now 👀 and the heatshields are all secure. I've only got the cat and the 2 brackets that bolt to the subframe and body to refit under the car now.
Under the bonnet I replaced the ecu cover after giving it a de rust and coat of matte black. I then refitted the pms strut brace and the air filter. I toyed with the idea of going back to the standard airbox but decided to stick with the fatty for now. The elbow could do with a spruce up though. I've got a nut and bolt labelled as for the air con pipe on the gearbox but I can't see anywhere where it would have come from🤔. Apart from that and a new battery I think everything in the bay is where it should be🤞.
After that I decided to put the front wings back on. I took them off because my jacking points were well and truly fucked and needed straightening and rust treating. Turns out the inside of the wings were filthy so they got a good wash and while I was at it I did the back of the front bumper too. The fabia splitter was a bit battered so I decided to remove it. Luckily 3 of the screws didn't crumble when I tried to undo them. The other 8 just needed a slot grinding in the head, I'll order stainless ones with a new splitter. In between that I rubbed down the wiper arms ready for a lick of paint as there was a little bit of rust on them. Wings and bumper went back in the shed for another day 😆.

So things to do:
Fit cat, v bands are great👍.
Fit front wings and arch liners.
Fit Riv-nuts for side skirts and try to remember where I put the skirts🤔.
Refit skirts.
Fit front bumper.
Fit headlamps. Maybe give them a bit of a polish too.
Finish off removal of carbon cannister. How the hell does that pipe come off the inlet?
Replace cracked windscreen.
Fit new front brakes, discs, pads and brembo calipers that I've had 4 years😂. I might have to get some braided rear lines while I'm at it.
Fit wipers without breaking anything.
Treat the tiny bit of rust inside the rear arches that I've not been able to do because the car has been full of parts.
Refit the interior and probably give it a good clean.

Hopefully then it will all work as it should. If it does I guess I'll have to give it a scrub as it's minging after being stood for 6 months! I might take some pics too😂.

Oh hang on I've got one 👍.



ClioSport Club Member
Put the front wings back on this morning and had a check through the bags of bolts I have left. There's 1 nut and bolt that I can't find a home for! I labeled it as air con pipe at gearbox end, but I'll be buggered if I can find anywhere a nut and bolt would fit near any pipes🤔.
Also to add to the things to do list,
Cam belt and aux belt due April.

P. S. Still no pics📷.


ClioSport Club Member
Going back to my things to do list from 2017 I've finally ordered new reg plates! 7 days later and still no sign of them. Good job by pro plates so far 🙄.

New battery fitted and car starts OK. New brakes fitted and car won't stop. I'd post a pic of me pulling my hair out but I've got none.


ClioSport Club Member

Picture taken today, the day the MOT ran out! 🙄😂 Cat refitted. Those two braces that join the subframe to the chassis that I forgot to clean up and paint refitted. Arch liners and engine undertray refitted. Headlamps and bumper back on. Wheels on and touched ground for the first time in half a year. Damn I'd forgotten how low the front end was, the bonnet has been at waist height for so long😆. The handbrake was stuck on and the rear discs were pretty crusty but they freed up easily and a bit of wire brush action cleaned the discs up nicely. The rear end will need a tidy up at some point in the future as it's a crusty mess atm.

The car still hasn't moved and the brakes still don't work but for now that's all that needs sorting, more on that later.


ClioSport Club Member
And it's back!

Time for a roundup of the last few weeks. When I stripped the car for the dead gearbox I discovered that the front pads were nearly dead and the discs were ready for the scrap man.

They are the only front discs the car has had on since I bought it in 2016 so they've not done bad 😆. Time for new ones then and as I've had a pair of brembo 4 pots since 2018 it was about time they were fitted. I'd stripped and prepped the calipers for paint ages ago so gave them a clean up and made them look pretty with some alien green and some high temp lacquer. Avoiding the usual brembo graphics I finished them with some period correct Renault Sport stickers. I'm sticking with the turini's so went for some 300mm discs and custom brackets as I've machined 5mm off the calipers so they can be fitted to 280mm discs if I choose to do so. Fitted them with some braided hoses from proline.

Then the fun started trying to bleed the buggers. I had no luck at all getting a pedal and it wasn't really a job I felt comfortable doing so I rang a mobile mechanic who lives 2 mins from me and who my mate next door has used for 20 years to arrange for him to come and bleed them for me. He eventually turned up to do the job while I was at work and was gone before I got home so I text him asking if all was OK. No he said, thers no air in the system but the pedal hits the floor so he thought the master cylinder must be shagged. So I asked him if I got one would he fit it for me and what I owed him? The next day I looked in the car and found the rubber trim off the top of the bulkhead and a piece of sound deadening in the passenger footwell. A look under the bonnet quickly had me in a rage. The sound deadening was part of the mat that's on the bulkhead, this piece covers the abs pump 🤔. He did say he'd bled air from the abs pump so I guess that involved cutting the mat and loosening the brake pipes😱. I also found the coolant header and pas tank had been removef from the bulkhead and left loose and the brake fluid tank had the seal pushed down inside! To this day I've not had any contact with him or paid him a penny. I take that as admission of a job badly done then.

After all that I arranged to send the car to my usual mechanic and have him sort it. That's how the drive got cleaned up😁.


ClioSport Club Member
Brake saga continued 🙄. After that let down I paid a visit to my usual garage and asked of he'd fix the brakes. As the car couldn't be driven he gave me the number of a local recovery guy who agreed to drop the car at the garage for me. And then he didn't bother to turn up. Or ring to say why. Recovery guy 2 arrived bang on time and although he was 6 miles away from me he charged less than the other guy who would have only had to do a 2 mile round trip! Loading the car onto the truck revealed where the broken bolt I found in the middle of the driveway the day before had come from.

It was from the vband which while now dangling caught on the crossmember on the truck and nearly removed the whole exhaust 🤦‍♂️. Car secured I decided to ride with it to the garage which luckily was uneventful.
With the possibility of a dead master cylinder I decided to buy a 197 master to fit and what better opportunity than when someone else would be doing it😆. 2 hours after delivering the car I got a call saying the brakes were working after a good bleed with a pressure bleeder and someone pumping the pedal and they asked if I wanted the master swapping still? 🤔 Well as its supposed to give a better pedal feel than the original one with brembo calipers and I'd bought it already then why not? According to the Internet its a straight swap, according to my mechanic the unions were different and the 182 reservoir didn't fit either. So it's either not a 197 master I've been sold or the Internet is wrong.

Anyone I'd that? Thers no part number on it unfortunately 🤷‍♂️. At least the original one wasn't dead so it was refitted and the brakes bled up again. After a week away it was ready for me to collect. Insurance was sorted as I didn't bother renewing it when it ran out during the cars prolonged rest on axle stands and surprisingly a quote from the same company was £80 cheaper than the renewal quote 👍. With the garage only a mile away I set of walking when I got home from work, nervously wondering what it would feel like to drive it again after so long. Then I walked home again as I'd forgotten to take the reg plates with me as I'd transfered my personal reg onto it while there was no insurance admin fee to be paid🤦‍♂️. Plates fixed and I'll paid I was told that they had to bump start the car a couple of times as it refused to start, and yes it refused to start then too. They had looked into it and reckoned the starter was playing up, brilliant. I drove it home anyway. The tracking is miles out, it had no windscreen wipers or MOT or tax and it was raining. I parked it on the drive and rang to cancel the MOT test. I guess I'd better buy a new starter then. At least it stops now. 😁

Starter saga just starting though! 😂😭


ClioSport Club Member
Having previously whipped the starter off I knew how to do it so ordered a lucas one from euro car parts ready to fit it while the weather forecast was good. I collected it on my way home from work and had a quick look to make sure it had the 3 tapped holes for mounting and wasn't like the one I'd bought previously. As a refurbished unit it should be right and it did indeed have the correct holes, phew.

So friday I started pulling bits off the car again ready to swap the starter. I went to get the new one and found this;

The power cable was fucked. Tools packed up in a huff and an early start on Saturday to get to ecp before all the mongs. Monday morning they said they'd be able to get me a replacement. f**k. Alternatives? Yes they had an RTX one in, so from the dearest to the cheapest but f**k I just want to get the car sorted now. I asked if it n was a new one but apparently they are all refurb now, I want to check it then I said, "but the box is sealed!" yeah f**king no chance I'm leaving without seeing the bloody thing. Opened it up and it looked like a brand new unit, miles better than the lucas one that's 3x the price!

Looks good to me so off I went to fit it. Old one wrestled out and new one fitted easily enough and when I connected the battery the bugger started spinning😳. If anyone has the same issue with a replacement starter it's caused because the pattern ones have a smaller stud that touches the main power cable connector when it's screwed on tight. This smaller stud is part of the solenoid connector so with power added off the starter goes!

And here it is wrapped in insulating tape and fitted.

That's it hidden in the mirror and covered by the main power connector.

This took a fair bit of figuring out and I was getting miffed, but that wasn't the end of it.

The starter appeared to be working but not turning the engine over. Hours of pissing around later it's still not working. I removed it again and measured it all compared to the original and they are the same. Then I tested it off the car and it extends the gear fully and spins up as it should, so why the hell doesn't it spin the engine? I refitted it and tried again. Same. I turned the crank manually and tried again. Same. I hit it with a hammer. Same. I swore a lot. Same. I sought advice, my dad who's a retired mechanic even rang me from Spain with things to try. Same.

The wife said it was too close to the house for that so I packed my s**t up and gave in. Tomorrow I'll try it with a jump start from the wife's car and if that doesn't work then it will probably sit for another 6 months. f**king French shyte.

And the windscreen is still cracked. 😩
