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My Black Gold (no)mod thread


ClioSport Club Member
I dropped the car back on all 4 wheels the other day ready to send it back to the garage while I go to have an argument at euro car parts. Just for fun I turned the key...

And the b*****d fired up instantly and has done every day since😡. I'm going to rebook the mot at which point I expect it will play possom again. Bloody thing 🙄.


ClioSport Club Member
Just caught up on this @Porl !! Rubbish luck atm bud!! Hope it gets better!!!
Yeah it's not been the best year car wise 😂. The 1.2 just needs new panels as there's no damage beyond what can be seen but it's not the right time of year to be pulling doors off on the drive so it's going. And she wants another clio to replace it🤦‍♂️.


ClioSport Club Member

After the starter farce the bugger is still working. Mot then tracking, that photo was taken with the wheels strsight😳. I refitted the interior today and the car still had to be a c**t.

I hope csi never go over my car, they'll think I was slaughtered in it😂.


ClioSport Club Member

Clean ticket for another 12 months. Didn't get much use in the last year 😟. Hopefully it will survive a trip to Scotland next year 🤞. I just need to get a wheel alignment done and figure out how the bloody radio works again. Oh and get used to the stiff ride and tiny steering wheel too😂.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
View attachment 1564787

Clean ticket for another 12 months. Didn't get much use in the last year 😟. Hopefully it will survive a trip to Scotland next year 🤞. I just need to get a wheel alignment done and figure out how the bloody radio works again. Oh and get used to the stiff ride and tiny steering wheel too😂.
Not even an advisory eh 👀👀👀👀👀


ClioSport Club Member
Went to pick the wife up from work in it today and the heater fan stopped working. Luckily it was only a 1 mile journey. Unluckily I didn't have any matches with me. Bloody thing really is pushing its luck now.


ClioSport Club Member
Checked the fuses and all were OK so swore a bit and fired the car up. Heater fan works again 🤨. So today I took the dodgy starter back to euro car parts praying the car wouldn't break down or refuse to start after I'd given the starter back😆. Apart from the radio being an utter c**t and taking ages to connect to my phone and the slightly dodgy steering due to the tracking it was fine, enjoyable even. It's noisy, bumpy, smells a bit odd and the steering wheel is tiny but it's great to be back in the recaros driving a car that has some character. And while I was out:

Hopefully I'll have plenty of trouble free miles ahead now.


ClioSport Club Member
Bought a replacement for the 1.2 today.

It's not very economai on the motorway but lots of fun off it. Seems sound mechanically but needs a little bit of tidying up. That can wait until spring now though as I'm sure my daughter will add some scrapes to it at some point😂.


ClioSport Club Member
Tbt 2016 and I've finally got some new plates 😂.

Stuck them on yesterday and was going to wash the car then remove the protective film. Didn't have any shampoo and forgot about the film until I went out this morning, and then couldn't get the green s**t off it🙄. I had an appointment to get to so had to drive looking like a proper chav with a green reg plate. Good job I only passed 2 police cars 😂. Don't worry I did manage to peel it off after I took the photo. Still need to book it in for tracking but not sure when I'll have time to take it.


ClioSport Club Member
Shortly after my last update the car decide it wasn't going to start again. So I ignored it. After some fiddling about it turned out the relay was dodgy and working part time and after swapping them around the car started on the button everytime. But by then it was cold out and the heater fan had packed up completely so I ignored it some more. As it was dry after Xmas I pulled the connector off the resistor and bridged pin 1 and 5 and the fan burst into life. I'm currently waiting for a new resistor to arrive and then I should be able to use the car again and be able to see where I'm going. It still needs the tracking doing though.

And then the new problem. I've developed a bit of a thing for the mk3 200. But that means selling the 182 as I don't have space for another bloody clio. Or probably the patience. But I really want one 🙄. Dammit.


ClioSport Club Member
Shortly after my last update the car decide it wasn't going to start again. So I ignored it. After some fiddling about it turned out the relay was dodgy and working part time and after swapping them around the car started on the button everytime. But by then it was cold out and the heater fan had packed up completely so I ignored it some more. As it was dry after Xmas I pulled the connector off the resistor and bridged pin 1 and 5 and the fan burst into life. I'm currently waiting for a new resistor to arrive and then I should be able to use the car again and be able to see where I'm going. It still needs the tracking doing though.

And then the new problem. I've developed a bit of a thing for the mk3 200. But that means selling the 182 as I don't have space for another bloody clio. Or probably the patience. But I really want one 🙄. Dammit.
Don't get a 200, don't be that bloke Paul😂

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
☝️ This.

I thought i wanted a 200 a few years back. Purely for more day to day comfort as the 182 was driving awful at the time. Borrowed a friends for a couple of days and whilst it was more refined, it bored the hell out of me.

Piled the money into the BG, got it to as close as factory as i could and i've now done almost 25k miles in last 2 years.


ClioSport Club Member
I used the car for work last week and nothing broke. It wasn't a pleasant experience as it still needed alignment. So I booked it in to be straightened out today.

I don't have enough years left to wait for Brad at Bram Racing to do his job so returned to Roddisons instead. I parked up amongst the clutter of mv5's and right on cue...

The lights didn't return after a restart so I don't know what the cause was. I left the car there for the day and when I returned he said "that was miles out!" and that on his test drive around the block it goes like stink. Yeah thanks, the cambelt was due last April 🙄. A boring schlep up the M1 revealed it drives in a straight line again. Setting off from traffic lights revealed an odd clunk and...

Why hello old friend 🖕. After all the time, money and effort I've put into it over the last year I'm a bit miffed. I now need to decide what to do next as the little c**t is well and truly off my Xmas card list.
Anyone want to buy a fucked clio with nice seats? 😩

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
My BG was like this. Constantly causing me intermittent problems, non starting, breaking down. Probably the real reason the previous owner sold it.

As i wasn't using it regularly enough I just used to put up with it, almost sold it once out of frustration.

Finally committed myself to it, stripped it all back and fixed the problems which were mainly to do with wiring, fuses, starter motor. It's my daily now and i've done around 25k in the last couple of years without a single issue 🤞

Just give it to Mick at Diamond or one of the other recommended specialists if you haven't got the time to sort it. Be a shame to sell it on when it's probably something daft.


ClioSport Club Member
It feels like I've had my trouble free motoring in it and now it's just opened Pandoras box of issues. The wife says I can sell it and use her car, but she wants a new bathroom 😂.


ClioSport Club Member
I've had the front wheels off this afternoon and can't find anything loose in the suspension. Drove it up and down the street and its still clunking. It seems to do it when I slow and then accelerate again. Maybe brake related or driveshaft, or god forbid gearbox? Also on the cold mornings it's making a squealing from the belt area so it looks like inbred to throw it at a specialist sooner rather than later. Or a large body of water.

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
I've had the front wheels off this afternoon and can't find anything loose in the suspension. Drove it up and down the street and its still clunking. It seems to do it when I slow and then accelerate again. Maybe brake related or driveshaft, or god forbid gearbox? Also on the cold mornings it's making a squealing from the belt area so it looks like inbred to throw it at a specialist sooner rather than later. Or a large body of water.
As above.

The RB i bought was doing exactly that (knocking when pulling away). When i stripped it all back i found 2 things which could do it. CV boot had split on drivers side shaft (wrong CV cover too which bounced off the sump knocking the clip off). Moly grease all over the sump/subframe and dry as a bone. The other thing was bolts were loose on the steering rack. I think it was the first one tbh.


ClioSport Club Member
As above.

The RB i bought was doing exactly that (knocking when pulling away). When i stripped it all back i found 2 things which could do it. CV boot had split on drivers side shaft (wrong CV cover too which bounced off the sump knocking the clip off). Moly grease all over the sump/subframe and dry as a bone. The other thing was bolts were loose on the steering rack. I think it was the first one tbh.
I'm certain it's not a loose steering rack as I vividly recall fumbling the torque wrench while under the car and it hitting me on the forehead when I was tightening the steering rack up😂.
As for the drive shafts would they be affected in any way by the alignment being done? He did say it was miles out. I'm still on oe shafts and they bother felt fine when I had them off last year.

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
As for the drive shafts would they be affected in any way by the alignment being done? He did say it was miles out. I'm still on oe shafts and they bother felt fine when I had them off last year.

Re-alignment wouldn't cause them to knock if they were healthy shafts though. I'm only guessing here as that was the issue with mine.

I've forgotten to torque the pinch bolt up before, that'll knock with forwards-backwards movement, pot holes and turning into a corner.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Mines also knocking at the moment porl. Seems we have identical issues at the moment! I torqued top mounts, balljoint nuts, wishbones, TREs, shock bolts - still knocks.

I'll be checking my steering rack this weekend. Maybe worth checking your subframe and the balljoint nuts.


ClioSport Club Member
Mines also knocking at the moment porl. Seems we have identical issues at the moment! I torqued top mounts, balljoint nuts, wishbones, TREs, shock bolts - still knocks.

I'll be checking my steering rack this weekend. Maybe worth checking your subframe and the balljoint nuts.
Shall I come round and swear at it? I'm really really good at that now 😂.
I know everything was torqued up properly and the cars done bugger all mileage since, something has changed with the geo adjustments I just need to figure out what. The radio does go loud enough to "fix" the clunk, even though one front speaker has stopped working 🙄.
