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My car has been egged

  120d M Sport

FFS. Fuming after stepping outside at 1am to see eggshells all round my car and the car literally covered in eggs, after I spent Sunday washing and waxing it.

Both my mitts were in the wash and obviously it was quite late so had to just run the watering can over it a few times and wipe with a microfibre. I know egg is supposed to be a nightmare similar to bird shat so was wondering what I could do about it if I find its left any nasty remains in the morning...

Any help would be appreciated, cheers
  172 Cup & Clio dci Van
wash it simple as. Clap the little c**ts that egg'd it and jobs a goodun

just make sure they dont come and chuck flower on it now cos that will sett like concrete! :p
  Homo spec mazda
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiz this happened to me a while back 2 nights in the period of a week, the paint is ruined in atleast 10 spots as it looks like the paint has chipped right back. Hope yours is in better shape then mine though
  172 Cup & Clio dci Van
clapp the c***s. if its ruined the paint phone the bizzies and get a crime ref number and claim on insurance if you dont have any NCB...
  what u put infront of me
best thing to do for removing this like egg or Bird mess is a hot/warm wet towel, put it over the area for about 10mins to soften the mess, and wash away.
  Arctic Blue FF 182
If the egg gets removed soon enough then it would effect the paintwork. The bit that i have found damages the paint is a "dotted spiral pattern" of tiny chips where the egg shell has impacted with the car.
  Homo spec mazda
If the egg gets removed soon enough then it would effect the paintwork. The bit that i have found damages the paint is a "dotted spiral pattern" of tiny chips where the egg shell has impacted with the car.

+1 thats very well described and my car is riddled with them
I had this, Washed off fine, Make sure you clean the door shuts, I left a bit and its marked the paint.

Dont know who it was but i'd like to break there legs.
  Clio 182 + Recaros
Sorry to hear the all too common post re- vehicle damage. Had my car egged last Haloween by some joker, I didn't find the eggs too hard to remove however, egg shell chips paint quite badly, so would definately thoroughily check your car.
  120d M Sport
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiz this happened to me a while back 2 nights in the period of a week, the paint is ruined in atleast 10 spots as it looks like the paint has chipped right back. Hope yours is in better shape then mine though

Damn:dead: Just read your thread always wondered why you had "Car: the eggy MK3". So unlucky mate, anything getting done about it?

Any chippings in your clearcoat Alex?

PC time me thinks!

Thankfully washed it all off in time though the car still needs a PC ;)

If the egg gets removed soon enough then it would effect the paintwork. The bit that i have found damages the paint is a "dotted spiral pattern" of tiny chips where the egg shell has impacted with the car.

Oh yeah:dead: Noticed I have one of these and thort WTF is that. Argh:mad:

Dont know who it was but i'd like to break there legs.

My feelings exactly

Sorry to hear the all too common post re- vehicle damage. Had my car egged last Haloween by some joker, I didn't find the eggs too hard to remove however, egg shell chips paint quite badly, so would definately thoroughily check your car.

Cheers mate
  Homo spec mazda
Damn:dead: Just read your thread always wondered why you had "Car: the eggy MK3". So unlucky mate, anything getting done about it?

Lifes cack mate, always thought it was quite harmless allthough I have never egged anyones car before, but when it happened it was kind of a meh moment shrugged it off thought nothing of it, then on inspection its FUBAR'd all over the place, mega gutting.

I borrow ben_p's rotary polisher and gave it a quick blast over the worst effected areas and it did naff all, I was mega disheartened to be fair, and every time I clean the car properly i see these marks and it puts me down so badly, im pretty sure renault paint is made of cheese anyway cos it scratches if you blow on it too hard.

Glad yours didnt end up like mine though.
  120d M Sport
Lifes cack mate, always thought it was quite harmless allthough I have never egged anyones car before, but when it happened it was kind of a meh moment shrugged it off thought nothing of it, then on inspection its FUBAR'd all over the place, mega gutting.

I borrow ben_p's rotary polisher and gave it a quick blast over the worst effected areas and it did naff all, I was mega disheartened to be fair, and every time I clean the car properly i see these marks and it puts me down so badly, im pretty sure renault paint is made of cheese anyway cos it scratches if you blow on it too hard.

Glad yours didnt end up like mine though.

Thats gutting mate. Worth making a claim?
