So ive recently brought my clio 1.4 RT Mk 2 phase 1 earlier this year, the chap i brought it off had already put 17's on it and exhaust system(not sure exactly what it is though), everything else was standard. This is my first car so wasnt planning on getting carried away but since i found out about cliosport and joined (I will subscribe as a club member soon aswell), it has gave me ideas. I started having various problems with it, like wheel bearings, exhaust mounts, needed new tyres, then had it tracked, also got it serviced, now i think there may be problem with aux belt. I dont no whether its cus its just my first car and the reality of having a car and the cost has hit me, but i got to the point of considering selling it and buying something else, but i keep chopping and changing my mind, whether to keep and do it up ( i think there is potential) or sell it and buy something else??
Anyways these were the things i was thinking of doing, suggestions are very welcomed thanks.
New Mats, Love these!!!
Anyways these were the things i was thinking of doing, suggestions are very welcomed thanks.
- De-Badge
- New headlights as current ones arent very clear, was thinking of putting in some 172 headlights, with silver visions
- Colour Code All Trims
- Team Dynamics Pro race 1.2 in black 15's or 16's??? really like these but would love if someone could photoshop some on when i upload car pics.
- Lowered, Whats best to use though??
- Front and back speakers (Best Make???)
- Spray Drums Black
- Spray Calipers Red
- Front fogs???
- New exhaust system, eventually.
- Induction kit (Best one for a renault??)
- Clear Side Repeaters
- Laguna front splitter??
- Aero Wipers
- Bee Sting Aerial

New Mats, Love these!!!